Fakultät Bauingenieurwesen
Die Fakultät Bauingenieurwesen bietet eine fundierte und praxisnahe Ausbildung zu Bau-, Wirtschafts- und Umweltingenieuren an, die unter anderem in Unternehmen und Planungsbüros, der Bau- und Immobilienwirtschaft, der Umwelttechnik sowie bei der Öffentlichen Hand gesucht sind.

1. International Spring School, Konstanz
Februar 25th - March 8th, 2024: „Sustainable Design and Construction“
Idea of the Spring School:
Sustainability and intercultural cooperation
Students from two countries work in international groups on an interdisciplinary task to develop sustainable neighbourhoods.
In addition to the professional challenges, intercultural cooperation is an important component of the Spring School.
The two week attendance phase at Konstanz University of Applied Sciences commences with excursions through southern Germany with expert lectures and smaller work assignments along the way; visiting construction sites and best practice examples in sustainable design. In the second week, practical planning tasks will be processed in international teams. Client and advisor sessions will frame the work. The results will be assessed on a daily basis. Fun is also guaranteed with joint outdoor activities and social events.