Equal Opportunity and Diversity

    Dep. Equality Representative

    • Portraitfoto
    • Prof. Dr. Rebekka Axthelm

      Equal opportunity commissioner of the university and department of Computer Science, deputy director of IOS

    • Room E 307
      +49 7531 206-503

    • Office hours

      by appointment

    • Prof. Dr. Burkhard Lehner

      Business Informatics
      Studiengangsleiter Elektro- und Informationstechnik (EIB)

    • Room F 206
      +49 7531 206-494

    Representative Equal Opportunity


    • Vera Maier-Tragmann

      Gender Equality and Diversity Coordinator

    • Room G 032
      +49 7531 206-726

    • more ...

    • Prof. Dr. Georg Umlauf

      Member of deanery, program director master Computer Science, director of the Institute for Optical Systems (IOS)

    • Room F 031
      +49 7531 206-702

    • Office hours

      by appointment