
    There are different opportunities for internationals to study at our university, e.g. as an exchange student or in the English-language bachelor's program Sustainable Engineering and Future Technologies.

    HTWG´s Degree Programs

    HTWG Konstanz offers mainly German-language degree programs. Some degree programs have courses in German and English and in some cases in another foreign language. For these degree programs, you need German language skills at a highly advanced level.

    The Sustainable Engineering and Future Technologies (B. A.) program is a full English-language program that is specifically designed for international students. You will need only a very basic knowledge of German to apply, which you can acquire before you start your studies.

    Bachelor´s Degree Programs with English

    Bachelor’s Degree Programs at the HTWG Konstanz with English as a language of instruction:

    ProgramDegreeLanguage of InstructionLanguage Admission Requirements
    Sustainable Engineering and Future TechnologiesB. Eng.ENEnglish: B2
    Asian Studies and Management (China)B. A.DE / ZH / ENGerman: C1 University
    Asian Studies and Management (Southeast and South Asia)B. A.DE / ID / ENGerman: C1 University
    International Engineering and ManagementB. Eng.DE / EN   German: C1 University

    Legend: DE = German, EN = English, ZH = Chinese languages, ID = Indonesian

    Master´s Degree Programs with English

    Master’s Degree Programs at the HTWG Konstanz with English as a language of instruction:

    ProgramDegreeLanguage of InstructionLanguage Admission Requirements
    International Management Asia-EuropeM. A.ENEnglish: B2
    International Project EngineeringM. Eng.EN / DEGerman: C1 University
    Legal ManagementLL. M.DE / EN   German: C1 University

    Legend: DE = German, EN = English

    Offers for Exchange Students

    As an exchange student, you can take a wide variety of English-language courses at our university. Further information can be found on the website of the International Office.