Sustainable Engineering and Future Technologies

    Do you want to become an engineer working on developing sustainable, future technologies? German companies are looking for talented individuals like you. And we have just the program to help you get there: our Sustainable Engineering and Future Technologies (SET) degree program prepares you for a career in one of the economically strongest regions in Europe. We’ll provide you with all the basic skills, specialization options, a practical, hands-on degree with comprehensive advising support.


    Degree: Bachelor of Engineering (B. Eng.)

    Departments: Mechanical Engineering / Electrical Engineering and Information Technology

    Program Type: Full-time
    Language of Instruction: English (with German language courses)
    Length of Studies: 7 semesters

    Start of Studies: Winter semester (WS) and summer semester (SS)
    Standard Class Size: 40
    Application Deadline:extended until July 15th (WS), November 1st (SS)

    Sustainable Engineering and Future Technologies

    The ideal preparation to face current and future challenges

    Applied artificial intelligence, transitioning to renewable energy supply, sustainable mobility and environmentally-friendly processes have one thing in common: We can only manage these tremendous challenges when various specialists work together.

    The bachelor’s program in Sustainable Engineering and Future Technologies (SET) offers you an interdisciplinary degree in the areas of Mechanical Engineering and Electrical Engineering. Graduates are thus ideally prepared to meet the challenges of the future.

    Students in this international degree program gain the foundational engineering skills as well as specialized knowledge in Energy Science and Technology, Sustainable Mobility, Environmental Engineering, Data Based Engineering or Robotics and Cyberphysical Systems - based on their personal interests. German companies seek engineers with exactly these qualifications. You could be one of them!

    5 Reasons to Study Sustainable Engineering and Future Technologies at the University of Applied Sciences Konstanz

    1. Excellent Career Opportunities

    Engineers are highly-respected and in great demand in Germany. A recent survey of HTWG graduates shows that our students have a solid reputation among employers: The majority of the students we surveyed had landed a permanent position with a salary above the national average (ranging from € 4,250 to more than € 6,500) in only three months after completing their degree! This is more than € 400 above the average entry level salary for college graduates in Germany.

    2. The Combination of Tradition and Future-orientation

    Since its founding in 1906, the University of Applied Sciences Konstanz has trained thousands of successful, young engineers. Our professors continually adjust their course content to include the latest technical and social developments. The University of Applied Sciences Konstanz places special emphasis on the major issues of sustainability and digitalization. This degree program will provide you with the optimal preparation to help find solutions for the challenges of the future.

    3. Practical Orientation and Company Connections

    One of our strengths at the HTWG Konstanz is our focus on applied knowledge: Our students gain practical experience in labs, work early on in their studies on real world topics, and apply their new knowledge in projects. They apply the knowledge they’ve gained in companies during their integrated internship semesters. They also often write their thesis in companies.

    And by the way: All of our faculty and instructors have spent multiple years working for top-notch companies outside the university system. This practical experience gives them a solid knowledge base and a host of useful company contacts that help our students get a foot in the door.

    4. Strong economic region with high quality of life

    The University of Applied Sciences Konstanz is located in the German state of Baden-Württemberg, only a stone’s throw from Switzerland and right next door to Austria and Liechtenstein. Baden-Württemberg boasts a strong economy, high level of safety standards, and is an attractive place to live. The state is known as “the home of the tinkerers, inventors and doers”. More than 15,000 patents are registered here per year! Some of the world’s most famous companies - including Bosch, Daimler, Porsche and Kärcher - have their headquarters here. And the 1.8% unemployment rate for those with academic degrees is one of the lowest in all of Germany

    5. Exceptionial Student Advising

    International students feel right at home on our compact campus with its friendly, informal atmosphere. The small semester cohorts and class sizes allow for more direct, personal contact to faculty, who can then provide more individualized advising. In addition to their regular classes, all students in the SET program take German classes that help them to feel at home in Germany. Studying alongside both domestic and international students help prepare our students to work internationally.

    Overview of Sustainable Engineering and Future Technologies Program

    The degree program in Sustainable Engineering and Future Technologies (SET) is normally completed in seven semesters. The program is divided into two parts: Foundation Studies and Main Studies. Click on the links below to learn more.

    • Foundation Studies

      The first two semesters of your studies are called the foundation studies. Here you will learn the basics of mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, and information technology that will provide you with the foundation for the rest of your studies.

    • Main studies

      The third to seventh semester in the program is referred to as the main studies. This part of your studies involves more advanced coursework, a practical internship, as well as writing your bachelor’s thesis.

      During the third semester, you will take courses that build on and expand the knowledge and skills covered in during the basic studies.

      The fourth semester involves completing an internship at a company. Here you will gain practical experience and learn about the structures and processes at this company. This experience will help you apply what you learned in the classroom, get a clearer idea of your future professional goals, and establish contacts with potential employers.

      Starting in the fifth semester, you will begin to develop your area of specialization. Students in the program can choose from one of the following specializations:

      • Energy Science and Technology
      • Sustainable Mobility
      • Environmental Engineering
      • Data Based Engineering
      • Robotics and Cyberphysical Systems

      The final step in the program involves putting it all together by writing your bachelor’s thesis. This can be done either at the HTWG Konstanz or at a company.

    Main language of instruction for this degree program is English. Language courses as well as a few selected courses will be taught in German (see the table on the right for more information).

    International students in the SET program are offered German language courses during their studies. This allows you to reach advanced (B2/C1) German skills by the end of your studies.

    Sustainable Engineering and Future Technologies Program – Areas of Specialization

    By your fifth semester in the program, you will be ready to choose your area of specialization. Do you want to develop technology for alternative energy or play a role in sustainable mobility? Are you more interested in environmentally friendly processes, big data, or robotics? You can choose from five fascinating areas of specialization:

    • Energy Science and Technology

      Students in this specialization focus on forward-looking, sustainable energy generation and storage as well as learning how to design powerful and intelligent networks for tomorrow's energy supply.

    • Sustainable Mobility

      Students that specialize in sustainable mobility design and develop high-performance electric drives as well as intelligent and autonomous vehicles with diverse sensor technology while also developing alternative mobility concepts.

    • Environmental Engineering

      This area of specialization focuses on resource-efficient methods and environmentally-friendly processes. Students in this area learn how to obtain valuable secondary raw materials through recycling and how modern technology can contribute to industrial environmental protection.

    • Data Based Engineering

      Students in the data-based engineering specialization learn to optimize processes and develop autonomous systems. They apply modern signal processing, artificial intelligence and machine learning techniques in order to help guide manufacturing into a digital future.

    • Robotics and Cyberphysical Systems

      In this area of specialization, students learn to use various sensor modalities, image processing and artificial intelligence to develop autonomous and networked systems – and work at the interface between the virtual and physical world.

    Professional Opportunities and Career Prospects in Sustainable Engineering and Future Technologies

    Graduates from the Sustainable Engineering and Future Technologies program have a wide range of professional opportunities at their disposal. The interdisciplinary studies prepare our students for careers in research and development for sustainable and pioneering technologies, project engineering, data analysis and much more!

    Get your first job in Germany: SET graduates from countries outside the European Union can apply for an 18-month residency permit, which allows you to work in Germany. Prospects after graduation

    Master’s Programs
    Students who complete their bachelor’s degree in the Sustainable Engineering and Future Technology program can also continue on to do a master’s degree. Graduates can apply to a wide range of master’s programs at the University of Applied Sciences Konstanz, including the Automotive Systems Engineering, Electrical Systems, Mechatronics, as well as Environmental and Process Engineering programs, or Industrial Engineering and Management and International Project Engineering which include an additional business focus.

    The master’s degree opens many career opportunities as well as allowing you to pursue a specialized PhD degree. The University of Applied Sciences Konstanz has its very own Cooperative Doctoral School which supervises our PhD students.


    Admissions Requirements

    1. General Requirements

    We welcome your application to the SET program at the HTWG Konstanz! In order to be admitted, you will need to submit one of the following qualifications:

    • University entrance qualification, such as the general matriculation standard, the subject-related matriculation standard, advanced technical college certificate
    • Professional training certificate (e.g. “master craftsperson”, technician, etc.)
    • Vocational qualification in conjunction with an aptitude test and a recognized standardized international qualification

    All international applicants who do not have a German university entrance qualifications must have their qualifications recognized by the Studienkolleg of the HTWG. You can find more information on their website:

    To get your certificates recognized please send the following documents by email to

    - Application form
    - Curriculum vitae
    - A copy of your passport (no certification necessary)
    - Copies of your certificates
    - Translations of your certificates, if they are not in English or French

    Note: The application without certified copies of the German Embassy/Consulate is ONLY valid for the application to SET/Sustainable Engineering and Future Technologies!



    2. Language Requirements:

    All applicants to the SET program must have B2 level English skills or higher. It is highly recommended, to have A2 German skills when they start their studies. Please contact for further information or assistance if you need a preparatory A2 German course.


    Change of degree programme or university

    Applicants who are in their third or higher semester and wish to change to the HTWG or within the HTWG require a subject-specific counselling interview (cf. § 60 Abs. 2 Nr. 5 LHG) by the degree programme/faculty for enrolment (application in table 4b at - in German).

    The aim of this subject-specific counselling interview is to discuss the content and requirements of the degree programme with the transfer student so that he or she does not change to another degree programme with false expectations.

    If this applies to you, you can contact Prof. Dr Boris Böck ( or Prof. Dr Christian Nied ( by email.

    Application Deadlines

    You can either start your studies in the winter semester (Deadline: extended until July 15) or in the summer semester (Deadline: November 01).

    Application Process

    Applications for this programme are not submitted via the Hochschulstart system as is the case for other bachelor programmes, but exclusively via the university's own portal HIS-in-One  (only available in German). You can register and submit your application via this link under "Applicants/Bewerber*innen" from approximately 4 weeks before the application deadline.

    Our english checklist will guide you through the application process:
    Checklist application SET (pdf)

    Please find the list of documents you´ll need for your application process in our statutes on admission and the university selection procedure for the bachelor degree program Sustainable Engineering and Future Technologies (SET) without preselection (ZuSEToVor) linked down below:

    Download Statutes on admission and the university selection procedure

    If you need help regarding your application process, feel free to contact our Student Advising (see below).

    Need More Information about the Program?

    If you have any questions about the Sustainable Engineering and Future Technologies program (B. Eng.), we’re here to help you!

    For questions about the study programe: Wasiq Suleman
    Room F 018
    +49 7531 206-243

    For German-speaking consulting: Rebecca Baur
    Room H 004
    +49 7531 206 394

    Prof. Dr. Christian Nied
    Department of Mechanical Engineering (MA)
    +49 7531 206-535

    Prof. Dr. Boris Böck
    Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology (EI)
    +49 7531 206-244

    For questions concerning your application: Student Administration Services

    For general questions about studying at the HTWG Konstanz: Student Advising Center
    +49 7531 206-777