Intercultural Center

    Welcome to the Intercultural Center (IKZ) at the HTWG Konstanz. Are you an international student? Are you a domestic student from Germany who wants to study or work abroad? We have a number of courses, workshops and services specifically for you.

    Dekoratives grafisches Element

    Buddy Program

    For domestic Students

    As you probably know, starting your studies and figuring out how everything works and how to fight your way through bureaucracy can be a very challenging experience. What do professors expect? What classes should you take? And where can you get help? Many first semester students could use some help.

    That’s where YOU come in: Wouldn’t it be great if a fellow student, a “buddy”, could help for a semester?

    The Buddy Program is a learning partnership between a 2nd or 3rd year HTWG student and a new international student. You, the current student, would be there to help the new international student navigate the campus and their new studies. Your benefit? Do something to help other students – and fulfil Module 3 in the "Studium International" Certificate.

    For Internationals

    As you probably know, starting your studies and figuring out how everything works and how to fight your way through bureaucracy can be a very challenging experience – especially for international students new to Germany. What do professors expect? What classes should you take? And where can you get help?

    Many first semester students could use some help. Wouldn’t it be great if a fellow student, a “buddy”, could help for a semester?

    The Buddy Program is a learning partnership between new international students and a 2nd or 3rd year HTWG student. You, the new international student, would be paired up with another student for one semester to help you navigate the campus and your new studies. Sounds good? It is.

    Buddy students help by:

    • Sharing experiences about classes
    • Answering questions about their majors
    • Helping to navigate the library (reserved reading lists, carrying out a literature search)
    • Helping to understand and manage course requirements
    • Providing general study tips
    • Helping to deal with administration issues on campus
    • Giving an introduction to student life in Konstanz

    The Buddy Program normally lasts one semester but can, if both students want, be extended. Students who have participated in this program, have only positive things to say.

    Anmeldung / Registration

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