The following is a summary of the relevant paragraphs in the official German Landeshochschulgesetz (the State Higher Education Act) for individuals applying for professorships at German universities and universities of applied sciences.
Please note: this is only intended to provide general information and is not an official translation of the law.
§ 2 Purpose of Universities of Applied Sciences
Universities of applied sciences have the task of maintaining and developing the sciences and arts in a free, democratic state governed by the rule of law through their research, teaching, degree programs and continuing education programs. The universities of applied sciences prepare students for professions that require individuals to apply scientific findings and methods or execute artistic design projects. These universities contribute to this important task in the following ways:
By offering practically-oriented degree programs and continuing education opportunities that train students to apply and further develop scientific findings and methods independently or prepare students for creative-artistic professions. Students also carry out practically-oriented research and development projects in their studies and are required to complete a practical internship semester.
§ 45 Regulations that Apply for Professorships (particularly in terms of residence)
University of applied sciences faculty must choose a place of residence that allows them to perform their professional duties according to § 46 section 1 of the Landeshochschulgesetz (German Higher Education Act). This specifically includes teaching, research, continuing education, artistic development, and student advising tasks, providing professional expertise and guidance, as well as taking on committee work that is part of the self-governance of the university.
University of applied sciences faculty are required to be present during the semester when courses are in session so that they can duly carry out their teaching, testing and advising duties, as well as other professional duties. They are also required to be present and accessible for an appropriate amount of time during the semester break. The presence requirements for university of applied sciences faculty are based on the official duties of their respective positions.
§ 46 Official Duties of University of Applied Sciences Faculty
University of applied sciences faculty are expected to independently carry out the tasks assigned to them by their university in the arts and sciences, in research, teaching and continuing education, and artistic development in their field based on the details of their employment contracts according to § 2 of the LHG. Their main professional duties also include:
- Playing an active role in the admissions process for applicants to their program, including administering entrance examinations and making selection decisions
- Being involved in tasks related to improving the quality of the program and teaching, offering student advising, and taking part themselves in external continuing education trainings and workshops
- Offering students appropriate professional advising outside of courses,
- Taking on administrative duties at universities of applied sciences
- Carrying out management tasks in the department
- Taking part in final exams given at the end of the bachelor’s and master’s studies
Baden-Württemberg Base Salaries for Professors (Status: Jan 1, 2021)
Monthly Salaries
Landesbesoldungsamt O B and W: W2 Position:
EURO 6,675.70 / month
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