Language courses offered

Our courses start partly in the first week of the semester - partly in the second week of the semester - partly as on-line courses via moodle and partly in presence.

SoSe 2024: first week starts 18.03.24, second week starts 25.03.24.

All course details (start dates, times, rooms, etc.) can be found in the PDF link below:

SoSe24 Course Details (start dates, times, rooms) -updated 28.05.24.

Please see the course descriptions below.


Summer Semester 2023

  • Arabic

    During the first week, a vote is taken to determine whether Part 1 OR Part 2 will be conducted.

    Arabic A1-Part 1.  4sws Learn Arabic too. The following topics are covered with the book "Salam!" (chapters 1-5): greeting and introducing yourself, on the phone, your job, your home, in the city. Introduction to the Arabic script. Emphasis on oral communication.

    Arabic A1-Part 2.  4sws. Deepen your previous knowledge. The following topics are covered with the book "Salam!" (chapters 6-10): In the city (orientation), food & in the restaurant, the family, travel & transportation. Emphasis is on oral communication. Instructor: Rasheed Zaharka.

    Information on Moodle Zusatzangebote / Arabic

  • Chinese

    Informationen on moodle: Zusatzangebote /Chinesisch

    Chinese A1. 4 sws. 你好!喜欢吃中国菜吗?These are Chinese characters. Don't they look interesting? Is it true that Chinese eat everything that has four legs except tables? If you are interested in Chinese language and culture, you should learn more about it. Besides, you should know that Chinese language and culture are different in Taiwan(R.O.C., Hong Kong SAR, Macau SAR and other Chinese-speaking areas.

    Chinese A2. 4sws. A2 course is for students who already acquired some basic Chinese language skills. It contains basic business Chinese. After finishing the course, students will have a proficiency level to pass HSK 2 or 3 (HSK, Chinese Proficiency Test , hàn yǔ shuǐ píng kǎo shì)The A2 course is for students who already have some basic Chinese language skills. The course covers the basics of professional communication. After completing the course, students should be able to take the HSK Chinese language exam at level 2 or 3. (HSK, Chinese language level exam, hàn yǔ shuǐ píng kǎo shì).

    My name is Yunxin Yang (Angelina Schmidhuber) and I am from Nanjing in eastern China. With my degree in "Teaching Chinese as Foreign Language" from Beijing University of Language and Culture, I already have several years of teaching experience in China and Germany. I teach Mandarin (the "High Chinese") with dialogues, role-playing, movies, games, teamwork, calligraphy and comparisons between Mandarin and European languages like German and English. If you have any questions, just contact me:



  • English

    A2 Speaking English, 2sws. Improve your pronunciation and speaking skills with a wide variety of exercises in this course. Information on moodle.

    B2 People Skills, 2sws. This course offers you an opportunity to learn about people skills and develop your own people skills by improving your self-competence and your communication skills. You will also be able to develop your English language skills by extending your vocabulary, reviewing and practising some grammar items, improving your reading and listening comprehension skills, and practice writing in English.

    PSC is an online course. You will study selected video-, audio-, and text materials, do quizzes and exercises related to the topic and discuss your findings and other questions in the online learning forum of the course. If you are interested in the course or want to participate send an email containing your name, faculty, course of study and semester (for example Katarina Meyer IN AIN3) to, and you will receive an enrolment key.

    B1/B2 Negotiating in English, 2 sws. Learn about negotiating strategies and practice them in English.  More information on Moodle

    B2/C1 US Culture and Current Events. 2 sws. Discuss the important issues of the day concerning the USA and get insider information on the happenings that are shaping modern US life and culture.  More information on moodle.

    B2/C1 This is Germany. 2 sws.  This course is designed to give an overview of the most important political, geographical, cultural and social developments of modern Germany. Foreign students learn about Germany; German students learn to explain what Germany is about. More information on moodle,

    A1-A2 Englisch Intensivkurs, 30 hours in 5 days, during semester breaks.  Especially suitable for students with little previous knowledge. More Information on Moodle.

  • French

    Courses start in the 1st week of lectures.

    Current information on moodle: Zusatzangebote / Französisch A1-A2

    Our instructor teaches French with the Flusion method. The FLUSION language method is specially designed for beginners and the French language. It offers a holistic language experience. The emphasis of the language course is on listening comprehension as well as oral expression skills. You will dive intensively into the melody, the rhythm of the French language. A variety of repetitions will give you confidence. Your pronunciation will be intensively trained. After an introduction in German, the language course takes place in French.

    1. A1 Gruppe 1, 4 sws, for beginners with no or little prior knowledge.
    2. A2 Gruppe, 4 sws, for students with prior knowledge (e.g., French A1).


  • German as a Foreign Language


    Information on courses for German as a foreign language.

    or contact

    Fabiana Gouveia Pflüger
    Office hours
    Monday through Friday   10.00 - 12.00   in   B 122
    Phone                +49 7531 206-712

  • Japanese

    Japanisch A1

    (Note: course contents will be equivalent to the previous/current “ Japanisch A1_Teil 1 & A1_Teil 2”)

    Lecturer: Dr. Runako von Lübke

    Max. Participants: 15

    Course Description:

    This course is designed for students with no or minimal language skills. Basic communicative skills on topics that include practice in all four key language skills (listening, speaking, reading, and writing) are the focus of this course. Students will also study elementary grammatical structures and writing (100 kana and 60 kanji) and practice correct pronunciation and intonation. The instruction is conducted in Japanese/English.


    Registration is done by email to the instructor (to Dr. Runako von Lübke and Moodle.

    More information via Moodle.


    Japanisch A1_Teil 2

    (Note: continued from Japanisch A1_Teil 1, SS2023)

    Lecturer: Dr. Runako von Lübke

    Max. Participants: 15

    Course Description:

    This course is designed for students who have completed the language course "Japanisch A1-Teil 1" or an equivalent level. Students will be improving their language skills in listening, speaking, reading and writing in appropriate cultural contexts. They will also explore more grammatical structures and develop better fluency in speech and writing skills including additional 40 kanji. The course is conducted in Japanese (direct method) and English.


    Registration is done by email to the instructor (to Dr. Runako von Lübke and Moodle.

    More information via Moodle

  • Potuguese

    More information on Moodle.

    Portuguese A1, 4 sws, for beginners with no prior knowledge.

  • Spanish

    A1 group 1, 4 sws, for beginners without previous knowledge. Textbook: Con Gusto A1/ Klett Verlag.

    A1 group 2, 4 sws, for beginners without previous knowledge. Textbook: Con Gusto A1/ Klett Verlag.

    A1 group 4, 4 sws, for beginners with no previous knowledge. Textbook "Puente".

    A1 group 5, compulsory subject Spanish MMS 2 (Mechanical Engineering) 4sws. Textbook: Con Gusto A1/ Klett Verlag. 

    More information on Moodle A1.

    More information on Moodle A1 Group 4  Ws23/24

    A2 group 1 (only one course) 4 sws, for students with previous knowledge (expects Spanish A1). Textbook: Vía Rápida A1-B1/ Klett Verlag, lessons 4-8.

    Intermediate levels B1-B2.

    More information on Moodle A2

    B1 group 1 (only one course), 4sws, for students with previous knowledge (expects Spanish A2). Textbook: Vía Rápida A1-B1/ Klett Verlag.

    More information on Moodle B1

    B2 group (one film course) Español cultural con películas, 4 sws, for participants with previous knowledge (e.g. Spanish B1). Textbook or material: to be announced.

    More information on Moodle B2


  • Turkish

    Current information on Moodle: Zusatzangebote / Türkisch

    A1 part 1, 2 sws, for participants without previous knowledge, with "Güle Güle".

    A1 part 2, 2 sws, for participants with previous knowledge, with "Güle Güle".