Intercultural Center

    Welcome to the Intercultural Center (IKZ) at the HTWG Konstanz. Are you an international student? Are you a domestic student from Germany who wants to study or work abroad? We have a number of courses, workshops and services specifically for you.

    Dekoratives grafisches Element

    International Careers

    The Intercultural Center is also here to help students as they complete their studies and take the big step of starting to plan their careers. We are particularly here for students interested in pursuing an international career abroad or working for an international company in Germany. We currently offer the following:

    Working Internationally Workshop Series
    A series of interactive workshops led by HTWG staff and external coaches and trainers preparing you to work abroad

    Career Day
    A one-day event with short practical-oriented workshops to help you find jobs and internships

    Company Visits
    A special opportunity to get a glimpse inside local companies and speak to company representatives

    Working Internationally: Internships and Jobs

    The Working Internationally workshop series offers five different 3-hour workshops each semester to help prepare you for international jobs. This series, a collaboration between the IKZ and the Equality Team, is offered each semester and is open to all HTWG-Konstanz students – and you can even earn ECTS credits!

    Participate in 4 of the 5 offered workshops and receive 1 ECTS credit point towards your degree.

    Registration: Please register for the workshops via moodle. And also note: Registration is binding, meaning we then expect you to actually come to the workshop.

    Click here for more information and registration

    Download the program overview

    Career Day

    Career Day

    The Career Day is a one-day event held each summer semester to help German and international students at the HTWG Konstanz get started in their professional careers. We have gathered experts from the HTWG and the University of Konstanz as well as professional coaches and trainers to lead the workshops.

    Here you’ll find information about jobs, applications, interviews and how to sell yourself professionally.

    Click here to see the 2021 flyer

    Check out our Events page on the upcoming event

    Company Visits

    The Intercultural Center arranges company visits for students every winter semester. During these visits, students get to tour one or more companies (in-person or virtual), find out about possible career opportunities, and obtain first-hand information from company employees. You can also take a workshop on preparing for company visits as part of our Working Internationally workshop seriesand earn ECTS credits!

    Link to Working Internationally workshop moodle site