History, condensed
- 1906 Alfred Wachtel founded the "Technikum Konstanz", a private engineering school that offered majors in Electrical and Mechanical Engineering
- 1946 Re-opened after World War II as "Staatstechnikum Konstanz" - now a state-run college. 328 students were enrolled in Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, or Civil Engineering.
- 1971 Converted to a state technical university. Computer Science program added to established departments including Architecture, Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Production Engineering, Design and Process Engineering, Energy Engineering, Communications Engineering.
- 1983 New program in Business Information Technology launched. Office for International Students established.
- 1985 “Lake Constance Art School” integrated into the University of Applied Sciences as the Institute for Communication Design.
- 1991 Business Administration program established.
- 1997 New library opened. Program for Asian Studies and Management - China added.
- 1998 Internationale Bodensee Hochschule (IBH) (International Lake Constance University) Network created.
- 2002 New majors offered, including Industrial Engineering Program Civil Engineering and Management, Mechanical Engineering and Management, Electrical Engineering and Management and Information Technology.
- 2005 Name changed to "Hochschule Konstanz - Technik, Wirtschaft und Gestaltung HTWG" (English: " HTWG Konstanz - University of Applied Sciences "). The HTWG now has 3,361 enrolled students.
- 2008 Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Programs expanded; Automotive Information Technology Program initiated.
- 2010 Business Law Program established. The library receives the 1st prize in the library index BIX. The HTWG celebrates its connections to China with a week of festivities. The university now employs 138 professors and 196 staff members.
- 2011 Communication Design moves into its own building. The university and the Moscow Energy Institute (MEI) celebrate their 20 year partnership.
- 2012 New majors in Health Care Informatics and Environmental Engineering and Resource Management offered starting in the winter semester.
- 2014 Professor Dr.-Ing. Carsten Manz officially becomes President of the Konstanz University of Applied Sciences.
- 2016 The Business Administration program celebrated its 25th year anniversary.
- 2017 The departments of Business Administration and Business Law move into the just-completed Building P on the west end of campus. There are now over 5,000 students at the HTWG.