Business Administration
Have you ever wondered what business people actually do? Are you interested in understanding the societal, political and economic contexts in which businesses and whole economies operate? Would you like to get involved during your studies, and develop critical thinking skills with a focus on ethical issues? If you answered yes to the questions above, then this might be the right program for you.
BWB 2: Kosten- und Leistungsrechnung (Mo7 - ReWe2)
==> Cost and Performance Accounting (taught in German)
BWB 3+4: PSS - PSS Vor- und Nachbereitung (Mo20)
==> Preparatory Courses, Workshops and Seminars for the Internship / Work Placement Semester (taught in German)
BWM 2: Operatives Controlling (Mo6 - Unternehmensrechnung und -finanzierung 2)
==> Operative Controlling (taught in German)
WIB 2: Kosten- und Leistungsrechnung
==> Cost and Performance Accounting (taught in German)
WIB 6/7: Controlling
==> Controlling (taught in German)
WIM 2: Kosten- und Leistungsrechnung
==> Cost and Performance Accounting (taught in German)
WIM 6: Controlling (taught in German)