Characeristics of a certification
The official seal (top left image) must be visible on all sides. For this purpose, the corners are folded over, the pages are laid on top of each other in an offset manner and stamped with the official seal. In this case, the declaration of certification and the signature of the certifying person on only one page is sufficient.
A notary certifies with string and embossed seal. In this case, the declaration and the signature of the notary on only one page is also sufficient.
We cannot recognise certifications by translators.
Where can I have documents certified?
Certifications outside Germany:
German embassies and consulates
issuing institutions (e.g. schools, universities), if we receive the documents in a sealed envelope
Apostilles from notaries only if Germany accepts apostilles from this country. You can find a list of these countries here
Certifications within Germany:
Town halls/ citizens' offices
District administrations/ local authorities
State universities
We do not recognise certifications from the following offices:
Church organisations (e.g. parish offices), interpreters, health insurance companies, banks or the AStA.