Business German and Tourism Management

    A cooperation between the Asian Studies program at the HTWG Konstanz and selected partner universities in ASIA: In this cooperation program, Asian students first complete a two-year program at their home universities, then finish their degree with a two-year program in Konstanz. Graduates earn a bachelor’s degree from both universities.


    • Intercultural Projects

      First-year WDT students take part in an intercultural project each semester involving German students in the Asian Studies and Management China / Southeast Asia programs and international students in the Studienkolleg. Students form mixed groups and work together on projects. In addition to covering academic content, the project work also offers space for interactions and discussions between the different cultures and mentalities. This allows students to experience the benefits and challenges that can arise in intercultural team projects and how they can be handled.




    • Tandem Learning

      Tandem learning is a method for learning a foreign language in which two people, each with a different native language, come together to help the other person learn their language and a glimpse of the other culture.
      There are no fixed rules - the participants are free to choose their own method of “teaching” the language. The two tandem partners decide together where, when and what they want to learn.
      Tandem learning is offered by the HTWG Konstanz Intercultural Center. Contact them for more information.

    • Learning Team Coaching

      Learning Team Coaching is a project that connects WDT students with students in Asian Studies and Management programs. This project, initiated in 2012 and presented at the HTWG Konstanz “Day of Learning” last year, is a fruitful partnership: connecting WDT students studying German and tourism management in Konstanz with German students learning Asian languages, culture and business.

      The students from the two degree programs work on academic content in mixed study groups and thereby gain experience in international team building and self-organized learning. They have the opportunity to develop language and culture skills, as well as learn content in business administration and intercultural communication.
      Learning team coaching is an innovative form of teaching and learning that prepares students for the demands of professional jobs.   

    Getting involved

    HTWG Konstanz students have the opportunity to participate in the decision-making process at our university by joining one or more of the following committees:

    Asian Studies Student Body: Students can join the Asian Studies student body, which is engaged in various student issues.

    Continual Optimization Process (KOP) Team: Students in the Continual Optimization Process (KOP) team look into quality assurance issues in their degree program to help optimize courses and the general studying environment.

    Asian Studies Study Commission: The AS study commission’s task is to ensure the quality of teaching and to allocate funds for teaching programs. The study commission consists of four student members who are elected annually.

    Faculty Council for the Business, Cultural, and Legal Studies Department (WS): The faculty council deals with departmental issues. The department is the organizational unit of our university. The Asian Studies program is part of the Business, Cultural, and Legal Studies Department. The students annually elected to the faculty council have a total of six seats. They represent the student body of the department.

    HTWG Konstanz Senate: The Senate is the central body for the self-governance of the HTWG Konstanz - University of Applied Sciences and consists of five students elected annually.

    HTWG Konstanz AStA Organization: The members of the AStA Organization represent the interests of the students in different committees. They also offer a range of services including advising for students.