Debut at the Science Slam: Prof. Reuter impresses the audience with a Smart Green City contribution

On October 10th, a Science Slam about the city of the future | Smart Green City Konstanz took place at the Apollo cultural center in Kreuzlingen. In addition to physicists, a communications and literature scholar, and a philosopher, Prof. Johannes Reuter from the Institute of System Dynamics at HTWG Konstanz also participated, making his debut as a slammer. In verse and with high entertainment value, he explained the connections between models, forecasts, and assistance systems, vividly describing the "Economic Assistance System" project, which is being conducted jointly by HTWG, the University of Konstanz, and the Lake Constance Shipping Company. The evening was hosted by Dr. Hank M. Flemming, a well-known and multiple award-winning member of the Science Slam scene. At the end of the evening, the winner was chosen based on the strength of the audience's applause. The audience enthusiastically chose Prof. Reuter's contribution, and as a first-time participant, he was completely surprised and visibly relieved :-) when he accepted the prize.

Smart Green City © 2024. All rights reserved.

State-of-the-art lidar sensor supports research

The Institute of Systems Dynamics has successfully participated in a tender within the equipment program for universities of applied sciences in Baden-Württemberg. Thanks to the 100% funding received, the institute was able to purchase a lidar sensor which is state of the art.more Details



Doctorate Tristan Braun

On November 29, 2019, Tristan Braun successfully completed his doctorate. From 2013 to 2017 he was a research assistant at the Institute of System Dynamics, since then he has been working for ZF Friedrichshafen AG. His dissertation on "A contribution to the observer design and sensorless tracking control of translational magnetic actuators" was supervised by Prof. Dr. Johannes Reuter and Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Joachim Rudolph, at the Chair of Systems Theory and Control Engineering at Saarland University. His doctoral thesis was published in January 2020 by Springer Vieweg Verlag. We congratulate Mr. Braun on the successful completion of his doctorate!

Doctorate Michael Schuster

The Institute of System Dynamics (ISD) Konstanz and the Faculty EI congratulate Dr.-Ing. Michael Schuster very warmly to the doctorate, which was awarded the top score of summa cum laude. The doctorate was supervised by Prof. Reuter in cooperation with Prof. Wanielik, professor of communications engineering, at TU-Chemnitz. Mr. Schuster is thus the second doctoral candidate of the ISD working group on control engineering and sensor data fusion, founded in 2010.

In addition to maritime scenarios, the co-operation with the TU-Chemnitz also involved questions on the field of environment recognition for automotive driver assistance systems. In the course of time, the concrete scientific questions emerged, to which Mr Schuster wanted to contribute. Multi-sensor data fusion is an area with especially high research activity due to the requirements for automated driving.

A central scientific result is the exact formulation and solution of the general filter equations for the tracking of extended multiple targets based on random matrices, the so-called Multiple-Detection Joint Integrated Probabiilistic Data Association Filter (MD-JIPDA). With this method, in addition to the state estimation of multiple targets under interference conditions, the extent of the tracked objects can also be determined based on e.g. Radar data. In addition to the theoretical elaboration in a variety of simulatory and experimental investigations, Michael Schuster compared his approach with the state of the art and proved that his MD-JIPDA filter in many cases provides better results than with methods currently available.

We congratulate Mr. Schuster on the successful doctorate and we wish Dr. Schuster all the best for the private and professional future.

Doctorate Michael Blaich

Michael Blaich, research associate at the Institue of System Dynamics, has successfully completed his doctoral procedure at the Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg on June 10th 2016. His dissertation is entitled "Path Planning and Collision Avoidance for Safe Vessel Autonomous Navigation in Dynamic Environments".

We congratulate Mr. Blaich on the successful doctorate!