• Economic Ship Assist | Smart Green City

    The project on Lake Constance aims to optimize the docking maneuvers of the fully electric ship MS Mainau using AI-assisted components. A digital twin, containing a mathematical model of the ship, calculates the optimal docking course and an energy-efficient speed profile, taking wind and currents into account. In addition to energy consumption, time and safety are also considered. The results could be used for other ships in the future. more...

  • Research Vessel Solgenia

    With the help of an optical sensor setup consisting of laser sensor, cameras, GPS and inertial sensor technology, the environment of the boat and its own movement will be recorded. From this data, the environment is to be described as precisely as possible in order to realize applications such as autonomous docking or collision avoidance. more...

  • Magnet actuators

    Due to the ongoing progress in microelectronics, components are getting smaller and often more sensitive. This results in demands on the gripper for the assembly of these components. In cooperation with the ETO group, gripper prototypes are to be investigated which generate the required linear motion by using magnetic shape memory alloy. Topics such as position control, force control, self-sensing and modeling will be investigated. more...


  • Model predictive temperature control

    In modern, industrial furniture production, wood panels made of pressboard are very often used. The narrow-surface sealing of the boards is an elementary component here and makes high demands on the process engineering. Together with HOMAG GmbH, the ISD is working on modern, model-predictive control algorithms for this process.  more...

  • Intelligent driver assistance

    Self-balancing passenger transporters open up completely new possibilities and horizons for people with a walking disability and for all those who desire a high degree of mobility with maximum comfort. In the project Driver Assistance Systems, a research group of the ISD is developing intelligent algorithms together with JOYY Mobility GmbH, which are able to detect potentially dangerous situations in advance and to initiate suitable measures for accident avoidance by permanent detection of the environment and model-predictive control. more...

  • Development and testing of an integrated autonomous measurement system for maritime surveying tasks

    The aim of the project is the integration of a collision avoidance to improve the autonomy and the handling of the Sonobot. In addition, a mathematical model of the dynamic properties of the Sonobot is created and its parameters are identified. This model will then be used for simulations to investigate and improve control algorithms and their parameters. more...

  • New procedures for avoiding ship collisions on inland waters

    In the "Collosion Avoidance" project of the HTWG Konstanz, collision avoidance strategies for sports boats on inland waters are to be investigated and developed. For this purpose, the local traffic situation must be detected and processed by appropriate algorithms in accordance with cost-effective and energy-efficient sensor system. On the basis of these data, the ship owner shall be given warnings about a ship's collision and an evasive maneuver proposed. In the final step, the boat should be able to move independently to a custom location. more ...


Control Engineering

The group deals with issues in the areas of modeling of complex electrodynamical systems, and their control subject to optimality criterions. Other projects are established in the topics signal-processing, sensor and data fusion with statistical data allocation, and Target Tracking. In the area of fast-switching actuators, strategies are developed which involve energy-optimality and diminished noise emission. In the area of collision avoidance, maneuvers are scheduled which are optimal regarding environmental conditions or energy management. To this effect, decisions are made according to uncertain constraints.