IST Institute

    The Institute for Strategic Innovation and Technology Management is the competence center for innovation and strategy. Research focuses on Strategic Transformation, Corporate Entrepreneurship, Startups, Ambidextrie, Agility and Digitalization.

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    Key Notes, Professional Impulses and Lectures

    Benefit from Expert Knowledge through Impulse Lectures in Podium and Panel Discussions

    In key notes and panel discussions we inspire with relevant impulses, practical examples and explanatory perspectives. We moderate every form of your event and open up experts for in-depth contributions and open discussion on the podium and in the panel.

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    Current Key Notes and Lecture Topics

    • Everything Digital - what now? How Digital Transformation works

      Digitalisation is triggering radical change, which companies can see not only as a threat but also as an opportunity. To do this, however, companies must build the dynamic ability to simultaneously optimize what already exists and build something new. Dealing with this ambidexterity is the real challenge of digital transformation. Embedded entrepreneurial teams as small, agile units are one way to support successful implementation. To achieve this, however, management must cope with a higher degree of complexity. The lecture will present challenges, suitable methods and successful practical experience on the basis of numerous company cases.

      Added Value for the Participants

      • Understand how digital transformation increases dynamics and volatility in the business environment
      • Learn how these challenges change the leadership context and lead to a paradigm shift in management
      • Understand how the complexity challenge can be met through leadership behavior and organizational design
      • Getting to know first design hints for ambidextrous leadership and organizational design (ambidextrie) based on concrete examples from practice
      • Addressing concrete guidelines for their own leadership contexts to promote agility in everyday working life
    • Leadership 4.0 - How Leadership successfully meets the Challenges of Digitization

      Progressive digitalization is leading to increasingly dynamic changes in the corporate environment - volatility and uncertainty are increasing dramatically in some cases. "Traditional" management methods are reaching their limits in this complex environment and must therefore be expanded. Agility is a helpful concept to avoid the "complexity trap" in leadership. In implementation, however, paradoxes and conflicts can arise that need to be considered in order to successfully meet this challenge.

      Added Value for the Participants

      • Understanding where the challenges of increasing dynamics and volatility in the business environment arise from
      • Learning where traditional management methods reach their limits and which paradigm shifts are necessary in management
      • Knowledge of which changed leadership principles are necessary for the implementation of agility in the sense of "Leadership 4.0
      • Know-how on how the complexity challenge can be met through leadership behaviour and organisational design
      • Learning of first design hints for the implementation of agile leadership and dynamic abilities in the organization on the basis of concrete cases from the practice
      • They take with them concrete guidelines for promoting agility in their day-to-day work for their own management context
    • Implementing Strategic Innovation successfully - how Disruption from Within succeeds

      The mega-trends of our time are triggering radical changes that companies can see not only as a threat, but also as an opportunity. This requires the strengthening of dynamic skills, in particular the ability to simultaneously optimize the existing and (radically) build the new. Embedded entrepreneurial teams as small, agile units are one way of doing this. The Key Note will present challenges and methods of implementation based on successful practical cases from various companies.

      Added Value for the Participants

      • Understand what are the drivers of radical changes in the environment and what challenges can arise for one's own business as a result
      • Learn which (innovation) strategies are promising in this environment and why incremental innovation is not (anymore) sufficient
      • Understand how different types of innovation can be implemented in parallel using different approaches
      • Learning how flexible strategic innovation options can be developed parallel to the core business with an embedded entrepreneurial team
      • Development of first concrete application possibilities for the own organization and reflection of possible implementation barriers
    • The Challenge of "Ambidextrous" Organization - how to simultaneously optimize Core Business and strengthen Growth

      Increasing complexity in the business environment can be seen as an opportunity for companies to build the dynamic ability to simultaneously optimize existing business and build new ones. In order to implement this "ambidexterity" in the company, organizational design and leadership must be differentiated according to the context and an organization with different rule sets must be implemented. The key note shows how ambidextrie can be implemented concretely and which principles - depending on the context - leadership should be based on.

      Added Value for the Participants

      • Understand which drivers in the business environment trigger higher dynamics and volatility and what consequences the resulting complexity has
      • Learning in which cases classical leadership and agile leadership is beneficial and how organizational design is differentiated in this sense
      • Understand the principles of differentiated organizational design and the context-related change between the two leadership principles
      • Getting to know approaches for implementing, implementing and leading agile (embedded) entrepreneurial teams
      • Learning the design characteristics of agile entrepreneurial teams
    • Successful Implementation of digital-supported Business Models

      Accelerated changes triggered by the advancing digitalization demand dynamic capabilities from companies in order to be able to use these upheavals as an opportunity. Embedded entrepreneurial teams that develop integrated innovation of product, service and business model as small, agile units can support this. However, in order to improve the innovation and change capabilities of the company, higher complexity must be mastered and a suitable balance between autonomy and control must be established.

      Added Value for the Participants

      • Understand what the specific challenges and triggers of accelerated change are in the context of digitisation
      • Learn how these accelerated changes impact customers and markets as well as customer behavior and business models
      • Insights into which implementations of digitisation there are that already go far beyond one's own fantasies
      • Understand what commonalities can be seen in successful practical examples in the entrepreneurial addressing of these challenges
      • Findings for your own organization on how the implementation of highly agile, (semi-)autonomous entrepreneurial teams can lead to the successful implementation of digital-supported business models