
    Welcome to the Center for International Students of the Universities of Applied Sciences in Baden-Württemberg

    Country-Specific Admission Prerequisites in Germany

    The Studienkolleg admits students based on the assessment regulations of the Central Office for Foreign Education (ZAB). Applicants also have access to this "anabin" database (only in German):

    Click on "Schulabschlüsse mit Hochschulzugang" (School degrees for uniersity studies) an then on "Suche" (Search). There you can then select the country in which you obtained your secondary school diploma/ university degree.

    The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) has also admissions database based on the ZAB assessment regualtions- and is available in English:

    Due to the large number of Studienkolleg applications from certain countries, we require a higher minimum grade point average for our applications than is required by the ZAB for university admission. However, if you apply for direct university admission with your diplomas / certificates, the minimum average grade point average listed in anabin will of course apply.

    Requirements for individual countries

    • China

      Necessary documents

      Upper secondary school leaving certificate after 12 school years
      Proof of the national secondary school leaving examination (huikao)
      Proof of the national university entrance examination (gaokao)
      Certificate or attestation from the Academic Evaluation Centre (APS)


    • India

      Requirements for Certified Copies

      Certificates from India can be recognised in the following form:

      • Authentication of the documents by the German embassy or consulate
      • If it is possible to verify the certificates online, please send us simple copies of the certificates and the link and access data for online verification by post together with your application documents.
      • The same applies to academic certificates (Bachelor's degree certificate and transcript). In addition, we also accept copies of your academic transcripts as an exception if we receive them stamped and signed by the issuing university in an envelope sealed by the university

      We can only recognise certifications by Indian notaries if you send us an electronic APS certificate containing the certificates to be evaluated.

      IMPORTANT INFORMATION: From the winter semester 2023/2024, the APS certificate is mandatory for all applications for certificate recognition and also for applications to German universities.

    • Nigeria

      Verification of secondary school leaving certificates

      For applicants from Nigeria, we only accept certificates issued by either WAEC or NECO. We require a copy of your scratch card (token) to verify certificates online.

      We do not accept certificates issued by local schools in Nigeria.

      Proof of university studies must be sent directly to us by the issuing university in a sealed envelope.


    • Ukraine // Україна

      Requirements for direct Admission to Universities in Germany

      With the "Svidoctvo pro zdobuttja povnoji zahal'noji serednoji osvity" (from 2019) or the "Atestat pro povnu zahal'nu serednju osvitu" (until 2018) after 11 years of general schooling, you have not yet gained direct access to higher education. However, you have the opportunity to apply for the entrance test at the Studienkolleg. You are not bound to a specific subject area.

      You have direct subject-oriented access to higher education if you can prove that you have successfully completed at least one academic year at a higher education institution in a CIS country. Subject-oriented means that you can continue your studies in Germany in the same or in related degree programmes. However, it is not possible to change the subject area you have been pursuing up to now.

      Please note that German language skills are required both for the Studienkolleg and for university admission. For the Studienkolleg you would have to prove German language skills at least at level B1, for direct university admission C1 (please note the exact requirements for language skills). For English-language degree programmes, various types of scores are accepted at German universities, but mostly TOEFL and IELTS. The minimum score for admission is 80 points in TOEFL and 6.5 points in IELTS. However, it changes depending on the university and the type of course you are taking.


      Умови вступу до ВНЗ у Німеччині

      «Свідоцтво про повну загальну середню освіту» (з 2019 р.) або «Атестат про повну загальну середню освіту» (до 2018 р.) після 11 років навчання не надають вам право  прямого вступу до вищого навчального закладу. Однак у вас є можливість подати заявку на вступний тест до підготовчого коледжу. Ви при цьому не прив'язані до якогось конкретного фахового напрямку.

      Якщо у вас є доказ того, що ви провчилися як мінімум один повний навчальний рік у якомусь ВНЗ в одній з країн СНД, то це надасть вам право одразу розпочати навчання за вашим фаховим спрямуванням. Навчання за фаховим спрямуванням  означає, що ви можете продовжити навчання за тим самим або суміжним фахом в Німеччині. Проте змінити фах, який ви вивчали раніше, на повністю новий неможливо.

      Зверніть увагу на те, що знання німецької мови необхідні як для вступу до підготовчого коледжу, так і для вступу до ВНЗ. Для підготовчого коледжу вам доведеться підтвердити знання німецької мови принаймні на рівні B1, для прямого вступу до університету вам потрібен рівень C1 (будь-ласка, зверніть увагу на точні вимоги до рівня мовних знань). У німецьких ВНЗ приймаються різні види оцінок за програмами навчання англійською мовою, але переважно TOEFL та IELTS. Мінімальний бал для вступу - 80 балів з TOEFL і 6,5 балів з IELTS. Однак це змінюється залежно від ВНЗ та типу вашого курсу.

    • Vietnam

      Necessary documents

      Bằng Tốt Nghiệp Trung Học Phổ Thông
      Kỳ Thi Tốt Nghiệp Trung Học Phổ Thông Quốc Gia
      Certificate or attestation from the Academic Evaluation Centre (APS)