Invista WTI - Innovation Portal

The great challenge facing companies today is the dynamic change in market demand. In order to remedy this situation, the project aims to establish an innovation portal. Today, the multitude of competence fields available in the IBH primarily represent fields of knowledge that are insufficiently linked or even barely visible for the partners of the university association. This lack of transparency means that the IBH's real strengths cannot be exploited in the area of possible knowledge and technology transfer to companies. The aim of the structure-building measure is to create the opportunity to support companies in their innovation efforts. The development of the innovation portal goes beyond the mere mediation of contacts with regard to individual fields of know-how. 

By mapping a generic innovation process from the search for ideas and evaluation with IBH (International Lake Constance University) knowledge to market launch, not only competence assignments are to be made but also a service accompanying the innovation process is to be offered to potential innovation-driving companies. A pilot company will be involved to test the practical suitability and the direct connection to the needs of potential companies for knowledge and technology transfer. The project aims to deliver a product with a transfer character after the pilot phase and thus to promote networking in the sense of knowledge and technology transfer between the university landscape and companies. The product comprises a clear process definition that enables a definitive assignment of IBH competencies to existing company problems by means of web-based support. The different phases of the product development process and even beyond that of the entire product life cycle are taken into account. The result is a platform that can be used by companies to gain access to various fields of knowledge. In addition, an exchange among each other is to be made possible in case of need. The process owner is the WTT office of the IBH, which can thus provide support for companies in the innovation process and make use of the strengths of the university network in the Lake Constance region.