Currently advertised Master and Bachelor thesis topics
- Use of COPERNICUS data for climate-smart urban planning using the example of water, heat and vegetation: development of low-threshold tools and efficient work processes for data retrieval, processing, analysis and application by municipalities.
- Development of a digital public consultation process for urban infrastructure projects, student campus participation in Konstanz and/or the Maun Science Park project in Bostwana
- Development of sustainable construction methods using new exponential technologies of the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR), such as 3D printing, automation, big data, AI, blockchain and IoT
- Sustainable and resilient infrastructure planning, delivery and operations: developing infraX4.0 infrastructure and construction use cases for open, federated digital platforms such as Gaia-X
- Development of a (digital) multistakeholder platform to support local participation processes and decarbonization of specialized tourism in the context of the Maun Science Park project, Botswana
- Development of partnership projects between German communities and the Global South for carbon offsetting and knowledge transfer of sustainable technologies using the example of Maun Science Park, Botswana, the HTWG Konstanz and the City of Konstanz
Supervised Master and Bachelor Theses
- Vera Singler (2022): "CoKLIMAx / Agile urban planning to increase urban resilience (working title)", Master's thesis, HTWG Konstanz, in progress
- Benedikt Riesener (2022): "Digitalisation and sustainable building (working title)", in cooperation with AFRY Schweiz AG, Master Thesis, HTWG Konstanz, in progress
- Philip Benischke (2022): "Concept of a multi-tenant collaboration platform for the construction industry", Master Thesis, HTWG Konstanz, together with Faculty of Computer Science, in progress
- Robert Grbavac (2022): "CoKLIMAx: Resilient urban planning in the examples of water, heat and vegetation", Bachelor thesis, HTWG Konstanz, 25 August 2022 link
- Caroline Krämer (2022): "Digitalisation on the construction site (working title)", Bachelor thesis, HTWG Konstanz, in progress
- Anik Gantzkow (2022): "Gesamtprozessanalyse der klimaresilienten Stadtplanung am Beispiel der Stadt Konstanz", Master Thesis, HTWG Konstanz, 28 August 2022 link
- Max Frank (2022): "Use of COPERNICUS data for climate-smart urban planning using the example of water, heat and vegetation (working title)", Master Thesis, HTWG Konstanz, in progress, together with Prof. Rothstein
- Helene Hübner (2022): "Use of COPERNICUS data for climate-smart urban planning using the example of water, heat and vegetation (working title)", Master Thesis, HTWG Konstanz, in progress, together with Prof. Rothstein
- Timon Baumgärtner (2022): "The Future of the General Contractor - Development of a Methodological Framework from Global Trends, Operational Drivers of Change and Market Analysis", Master Thesis, HTWG Konstanz, 4 July 2022, defended on 22 July 2022. link
- Hannes Henkel (2022): "Maun Science Park: Digitization in the agricultural sector of Botswana - curse or blessing?", project work, joint supervision with Dr. Pia Hollenbach, University of Lausanne; HTWG Konstanz, 22 June 2022 link
- Clemens Brosch (2022):"Generalisation and further development of digital precast concrete tracking", Master Thesis, HTWG Konstanz, 12 August 2022 link
- Alessandra Romano (2022):"Conceptualisation and development of shop floor management approaches using the digital Taktsteuerungstafel (dTST)", Master Thesis, HTWG Konstanz, 11 August 2022, defended on 14 September 2022 link
- Jocelyne Hellwig (2022):"Wirtschaftlichkeitsuntersuchung von Grünbrücken in Hybridbauweise : Development and analysis of the economic feasibility study of green bridges in hybrid construction at potential locations in Germany", Master Thesis, HTWG Konstanz, 29
- Frederik Schölch (2022):"Circular Economy at WeberHaus - Traceability and Digitalisation of the Material Flow (Working Title)", Master Thesis, HTWG Konstanz, 14 August 2022, defended on 15 September 2022 link
- Tina Lockwald (2022):"Light green bridges as a key element for adding value to and increasing the value of existing urban spaces (working title)", Master Thesis, HTWG Konstanz, in progress
- Patrick Kühn (2022):"Inner-city mobility planning by using remote sensing data in the context of climate-smart urban development (working title)", Master Thesis, HTWG Konstanz, 28 February 2022 link
- Lukas Pfeilsticker (2022):"Variant comparison of different prefabrication construction methods for prefabricated wet cells (working title)", Master Thesis, HTWG Konstanz, in progress
- Sauter, Hannes (2022): "Untersuchung und Konzepterstellung zur Implementierung von externen Planungsmodellen in der modellbasierten Kalkulation", Master Thesis, HTWG Konstanz, 31. Januar 2022 link
- Klausmann, Martin (2021): "Development of a toolbox of measures to support heat-resilient urban planning", Bachelor Thesis, HTWG Konstanz, 28. Februar 2022 link
- Braisch, Hannes (2022): "Takt planning and takt control - Description of disruptive factors and how they can be eliminated."
Bachelor Thesis, HTWG Konstanz, 28 July 2022 link - Hörner, Manuel (2021): "Serial production for energy-efficient refurbishment and additions to buildings using the Energiesprong concept" (working title), in co-supervision with Prof. Michalski, 22 February 2022. link
- Endress, Jannik und Hannes Borgwardt (2021): "Conception of microfarm solutions for the Maun Science Park, Botswana" (working title), project work, HTWG Konstanz, 10 January 2022 link
- Borgwardt, Hannes (2022): "Conception of smart farming solutions in the context of Botswana's digital development : Identifying and evaluating potential innovations that enable smallholder farmers in Botswana to access data, connecting them to new resources, knowledge, and markets, based on a federated digital framework to advance Africa's transition to a digital economy", Bachelor Thesis, HTWG Konstanz, 31 July 2022 link
- Burger, Jonas (2021): "Application and evaluation of lean methods in the execution phase of civil engineering measures under consideration of the overall process at a medium-sized company", Master Thesis, HTWG Konstanz, submitted on 21 May 2022, defended on 8 June 2022 link
- Huhn, Christopher (2021): "Market demand, technological development, state of the art of sustainable construction methods using new exponential technologies of the Fourth Industrial Revolution (working title)", Bachelor Thesis, HTWG Konstanz, 21 October 2021 link
- Hoevel, Markus (2021): "CoKLIMAx - Initial situation and requirement profile of climate-related urban planning: processes and methodological-modelling foundation" (working title), Bachelor Thesis, HTWG Konstanz, 31 January 2022 link
- Asal, Alexander (2021): "Building with earth - sustainable stabilization and additive manufacturing for rammed earth construction, Maun Science Park, Botswana", Bauen mit Erde - nachhaltige Stabilisierung und additive Fertigung für den Stampflehmbau, Maun Science Park, Botswana, Bachelor Thesis, HTWG Konstanz, June 7, 2021 link
- Krüger, Jennifer (2021): "Entwicklung von Anwendungsfällen aus dem Bereich Bauwirtschaft für offene, föderierte digitale Plattformen (Arbeitstitel)", Development of use cases from the construction industry for open, federated digital platforms (working title), Master Thesis, HTWG Konstanz, August 5, 2021 link
- Erbe, Simon (2021): "Development of a sustainable structural concept for the Maun Science Park, Botswana", Master Thesis, Supervisor: Prof. Alexander Michalski, HTWG Konstanz, March 31, 2021 link
- Leppert, Marie-Louise (2021): "Urban car-free mobility : Analysis of the applicability of a mobility concept without private cars for the Maun Science Park Botswana", Bachelor Thesis, Supervisor: Prof. Maike Sippel und Dr. Pia Hollenbach, HTWG Konstanz, March 22, 2021 link (HTWG)link (ResearchGate)
- Beckmann, Joel (2021): "Abbildung vom Developmentprozess in der Immobilienentwicklung", Mapping the development process in real estate development, Bachelor Thesis, University of Applied Sciences Konstanz, in Bearbeitung, 19 March 2021 link
- Jendel, Dennis (2021): "Voraussetzungen für die erfolgreiche Implementierung von Lean Construction aus Sicht eines Baumanagementunternehmens - eine kritische Analyse am Beispiel der b+p baurealisation ag", Prerequisites for the successful implementation of Lean Construction from the point of view of a construction management company - a critical analysis using the example of b+p baurealisation ag, Bachelor Thesis, University of Applied Sciences Konstanz, 28 March 2021 link
- Dieterle, Jonas (2021): "Innovative Lösungsansätze und Anreize zur Schärfung der Präzision von Leistungsbeschreibungen bei öffentlichen Bauvorhaben", Innovative approaches and incentives to sharpen the precision of performance specifications in public construction projects, Bachelor Thesis, HTWG Konstanz, link
- Hübner, Helene (2021): "Comparison of project and service delivery models for the development and operation of the Maun Science Park Project, Botswana", Bachelor Thesis, University of Applied Sciences Konstanz, 28 February 2021 link
- Schmoll, Tim (2021): "Analysis and valuation of the use of prefabricated rammed earth for Maun Science Park, Maun, Botswana", Bachelor Thesis, University of Applied Sciences Konstanz, 28 February 2021 link
- Rebis, Christian (2021): "Analyse der LEAN Methode Taktsteuerung in der Umsetzung bei der Ed. Züblin AG", Analysis of the LEAN method cycle control in implementation at Ed. Züblin AG, Master Thesis, HTWG Konstanz, 19 February 2021
- Ungerer, Niklas (2021): "Der Maun-Science-Park aus baubetrieblicher Sicht", The Maun Science Park from a construction perspective, Bachelor Thesis, University of Applied Sciences Konstanz, 8 February 2021 link
- Broderick, David (2020): "Financing and Investment Structure of Foreign Real Estate Project Developments in Africa - Maun Science Park in Botswana", Master Thesis, University of Applied Sciences Konstanz, 18 December 2020 link
- Bendel, Julian (2020): "Use of regional resources, in particular clay and wood as sustainable and economical building materials in connection with the realization of the Maun Science Park in Botswana for future construction projects worldwide", Bachelor Thesis, University of Applied Sciences Konstanz, 18 December 2020 link
- Steinlein, Tim (2020): "Implementation of workflows for further development of knowledge management as an essential success factor for sustainable corporate development", Einführung von Arbeitsabläufen zur systematischen Weiterentwicklung des Wissensmanagements als Schlüsselfaktor zur nachhaltigen Unternehmensentwicklung, Master Thesis, University of Applied Sciences Konstanz, 9 December 2020 link
- Lay, Felix (2020): "Development of a synthesis concept for the Smart City Maun Science Park - Integration of (digitally) re-programmable space by using the Internet of Things", Master Thesis, University of Applied Sciences Konstanz, 2 November 2020 link
- Bauer, Carl-Constantin (2020): "Erarbeitung eines Lösungsansatzes zur Bauablaufplanung und -steuerung nach den Lean-Prinzipien für das Unternehmen Goldbeck Rhomberg", Development of a solution approach for construction process planning and control according to lean principles for the company Goldbeck Rhomberg, Bachelor Thesis, HTWG Konstanz, 15 October 2020
- Christ, Carolin (2020): "Digitalisierung und Lean Management im Bauwesen. Eine Vergleichsstudie zu den erhältlichen Softwarelösungen mit Fokus auf deren Eignung für das Projektgeschäft", Digitalisation and Lean Management in Construction. A comparative study of the available software solutions with a focus on their suitability for the project business., Bachelor Thesis, HTWG Konstanz, 30 September 2020
- Hannes Feucht (2020): "Die Entwicklung von BIM im Bauunternehmen – von der Einführung bis zur modellunterstützten Leistungsmeldung", The development of BIM in the construction company - from introduction to model-supported performance reporting, Master Thesis, HTWG Konstanz, 30 September 2020
- Biesinger, Lea (2020): "Baulogistik Abgrenzung der Leistungsbilder der Projektsteuerung und Objektplanung mit Anwendung auf ein Schulbauprojekt der Landeshauptstadt München", Construction logistics definition of the service profiles of project control and object planning with application to a school construction project of the state capital Munich, Bachelor Thesis, HTWG Konstanz, 23 September 2020
- Hartauer, Christina (2020): "Prozessanalyse und Optimierung der Baustelleneinrichtungsplanung bei der Firmengruppe Max Bögl", Process analysis and optimisation of construction site equipment planning at the Max Bögl group of companies, Bachelor Thesis, HTWG Konstanz, 5 September 2020
- Gorenflo, Marvin (2020): "Rollout von Lean Construction Management bei Kaufland Deutschland Eine wissenschaftliche Analyse des Implementierungsprozesses", Rollout of Lean Construction Management at Kaufland Germany A Scientific Analysis of the Implementation Process, Master Thesis, University of Applied Sciences Konstanz, 31 August 2020
- Schölch, Frederik (2020): "Optimierung des Bemusterungsprozesses zur Unterstützung der Bauausführung mit Lean und Agilem Management, Exemplarisch durchgeführt auf dem Bauvorhaben „Neubau-Bismarckallee“ in Freiburg i. Br.", Optimisation of the sampling process to support construction with Lean and Agile Management, exemplarily carried out on the construction project "Neubau-Bismarckallee" in Freiburg i. Br., Bachelor Thesis, HTWG Konstanz, 25 August 2020
- John, Paul Christian (2020): "Entwicklung eines Lean-Prozess-Projektma-nagement-Modells (LPPM) als Ansatz zur Produktivitätsverbesserung in Bauprojekten", Development of a Lean Process Project Management Model (LPPM) as an approach to improve productivity in construction projects, Master Thesis, HTWG Konstanz, 17 August 2020
- Gantzkow, Anik (2020): "Fallstudie: WeberHaus GmbH & Co. KG – In 60 Jahren vom Zwei-Mann-Zimmereibetrieb zu einem der deutschen Marktführer im Fertighausbau", Case study: WeberHaus GmbH & Co. KG - From a two-man carpentry business to one of the German market leaders in prefabricated house construction in 60 years, Bachelor Thesis, HTWG Konstanz, 15 October 2020, 13 August 2020 download
- Heil, Katrin (2020): "Startups als Mieter des systematisierten Bürogebäudes von Goldbeck Rhomberg - Ein rentables Geschäftsmodell?", Startups as tenants of Goldbeck Rhomberg's systematised office building - A profitable business model, Bachelor Thesis, HTWG Konstanz, 7 July 2020
My lectures ...
Course | Description | Specialization (Link) | SS | WS |
Controlling | Controlling is a sub-function of the corporate management system, whose core task is the planning, management and control of all corporate divisions | BIB 6/7 moodle | X | |
Lean management in construction | Lean management refers to the entirety of thought principles, methods and procedures for the efficient design of the entire value chain in the construction industry. | MBU, IPE moodle | X | |
Human Resources Management | Personnel management refers to the area of business administration that deals with the production factor of work and with personnel. It is a function present in all organizations whose core tasks are the provision and goal-oriented deployment of personnel. | MBU moodle | X | |
Turnkey construction | Turnkey construction describes construction measures that are carried out by the contractor (general contractor) from the start of construction to completion and are subsequently handed over to the client (usually the owner) "ready for use | MBU moodle | X | |
Cost and activity accounting | Cost and activity accounting is an area of business administration and is part of internal accounting. It is primarily used to provide internal information for the short-term operational planning of costs and revenues and their control on the basis of planned, target and actual data. | URB3 moodle | X | |
Business Administration and Management 1 | Business administration is an individual science within economics that deals with the management of businesses (companies). | BIB 6/7 moodle | X | X |
Business processes and functions | Business processes and functions are the totality of activities within a company that serve to fulfill the company's objectives by processing existing business areas and developing new ones. | WIB1, WIM moodle | X | X |
Interdisciplinary project | Interdisciplinarity is the use of approaches, ways of thinking and methods from different disciplines. An interdisciplinary or cross-disciplinary approach comprises several individual sciences that are independent of each other and pursue a mostly scientific question using their respective methods. | WIB6/7, MWI moodle | X | X |
Business Administration and Management II | Business administration is an individual science within economics that deals with the management of businesses (companies). | MBU moodle | X | |
Digital transformation in construction | The digital transformation of the construction industry refers to an ongoing process of change based on digital technologies that specifically affects companies in the construction industry from an economic perspective. | MBU moodle | X | |
Project controlling | Project control is the core of professional construction management. It enables the processes in the project work to be managed in such a way that the project goals can be achieved | MWI moodle | X |