Prof. Dr.-Ing. Michael Bühler
- Bühler, M.M.; Nübel, K.; Jelinek, T.; Riechert, D.; Bauer, T.; Schmid T.; Schneider, M. Data cooperatives as a catalyst for collaboration, data sharing and the digital transformation of the construction sector. Special Issue Buildings, 2023. Data-Driven and Intelligent Decision Support Systems in Digitized Construction. Under peer review.
- Hnin Wuit Yee Kyaw; Bühler, M.M.; Hawlik, J.; Herrmann, M.; Chatzidimitriou, A.; Hellwig, J.; Lockwald, T. Multifactorial evaluation of spatial suitability and economic viability of light green bridges using remote sensing data and spatial urban planning criteria, Special Issue Remote Sensing, 2023 Applications of Geographic Information System and 3D City Modelling for Sustainable Urban Planning. Under peer review.
- Jelinek, T.; Hollenbach, P., Bühler, M.M.; Monchusi, L.; Sheikh, S.M.; Nkgowe, Y.; Bakker, R.; Nübel, K. and Koulolias, V. Advancing smallholder agribusiness in Botswana through smart digital innovation, November 2022, ITU Connect2Recover Initiative. link
- Bühler, M.M.; Jelinek, T.; Nübel, K. Training and Preparing Tomorrow’s Workforce for the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Educ. Sci. 2022, 12, 782. link, download
- Della Croce, R.; Jelinek, T.; Lauria V.; Bühler, M.M.; Bersanetti, F. Nübel, K.; Profumo F.; Scheffczyk, K. Big Data Analytics for Safe, Decarbonised and Climate-resilient Infrastructure. Policy brief. In Think20 (T20) Indonesia. Task Force 8 Inclusive, Resilient, and Greener Infrastructure Investment and Financing. 2022. link G20 Indonesia
- Bühler, M.M., Jelinek, T., Nübel, K., Anderson, N., Ballard, G., Bew, M., Bowcott, D., Broek, K., Buziek, G., Cane, I. and Della Croce, R., 2021. A new vision for infratech: governance and value network integration through federated data spaces and advanced infrastructure services for a resilient and sustainable future: Policy brief. In Think20 (T20) Italy 2021-Task Force 7: Infrastructure Investment and Financing. link G20 Italylink G20 Insights
- Bühler, M.M.; Sebald, C.; Rechid, D.; Baier, E.; Michalski, A.; Rothstein, B.; Nübel, K.; Metzner, M.; Schwieger, V.; Harrs, J.-A.; Jacob, D.; Köhler, L.; in het Panhuis, G.; Tejeda, R.C.R.; Herrmann, M.; Buziek, G. (2021): "Application of Copernicus Data for Climate-Relevant Urban Planning Using the Example of Water, Heat, and Vegetation". Remote Sens. 2021, 13, 3634., link, download
- Nübel, K.; Bühler, M.M.; Jelinek, T. (2021): "Federated Digital Platforms: Value Chain Integration for Sustainable Infrastructure Planning and Delivery". Sustainability 2021, 13, 8996., link, download
- Bühler, M.M.; Nübel, K.; Jelinek, T. Educating Tomorrow’s Workforce for the Fourth Industrial Revolution – The Necessary Breakthrough in Mindset and Culture of the Engineering Profession. Preprints 2021, 2021070537 (doi: 10.20944/preprints202107.0537.v1), link
- Bühler, M.M.; Sebald, C.; Rechid, D.; Baier, E.; Michalski, A.; Rothstein, B.; Nübel, K.; Metzner, M.; Schwieger, V.; Jacob, D.; Köhler, L.; in het Panhuis, G.; Tejeda, R.; Herrmann, M.; Buziek, G. (2021): "Development of Low-Threshold Tools and Efficient Work Processes for Data Acquisition, Processing, Evaluation, and Application by Municipalities." Preprints 2021, 2021070496 (doi: 10.20944/preprints202107.0496.v1), link
- Bennett, M.; Bonfiglio, F.; Bühler M.M.; della Croce, R. (2021): "Transforming Infrastructure through Digital Technology - The Role of G20", Panel Discussion, T20 Roundtable, 12 July 2021, 14:00-15:45 CET, link
- Nübel, K.; Bühler, M.M.; Jelinek, T. (2021): "Sustainable Infrastructure 4.0 - Value Chain Integration through Federated Digital Platforms". Preprints 2021, 2021070397 (doi: 10.20944/preprints202107.0397.v1), link
- Nübel, K.; Bühler, M.M.; Jelinek, T. (2021): "Infrastructure 4.0 Platform Workshop", Munich, March 25, 2021, 14:00-18:00, Leonhard Obermeyer Center, Technical University of Munich, HTWG Konstanz, Taihe Institute, Bavarian Construction Industry, link
- Schmid, T.; Kefer V.; Bauer, T.; Müller, G.; Bühler, M.M.; Nübel, K. (2020): "The Future of Civil Engineering: Infrastructure Development as an Integrated Concept", 14th Colloquium Investor - University - Construction Industry, November 11, 2020, 14:00-17:15, virtually from the Oskar von Miller Forum, Technical University of Munich, link
- M. M. Buehler (2019): "Shaping the Future of the Engineering Profession, A necessary breakthrough in mindset and culture to future-proof our industry", Der Bauingenieur, VDI Bautechnik, Jahresausgabe 2019/20, September 2019, download
- M. M. Buehler, Pierre Patrick Buffet, Santiago Castagnino (2018): "How business decision-makers can stimulate visionary thinking: Studying scenarios to navigate a volatile future", June 2018, link
- M. M. Buehler, Pierre Patrick Buffet, Santiago Castagnino (2018): "The Fourth Industrial Revolution is about to hit the construction industry. Here’s how it can thrive", World Economic Forum, June 2018, link
- M. M. Buehler, Till Zupancic, Isidora Kosta, Hani Dakhil (2018): "Shaping the Future of Construction, Future Scenarios and Implications for the Industry", Mar 2018, World Economic Forum, link
- M. M. Buehler, Till Zupancic, Isidora Kosta, Hani Dakhil (2018): "Shaping the Future of Construction, An Action Plan to Accelerate Building Information Modeling (BIM) Adoption", February 2018, World Economic Forum, link
- M. M. Buehler, Isidora Kosta, Hani Dakhil (2018): "Infrastructure and Urban Development Industry Vision 2050", World Economic Forum, January 2018, link
- M. M. Buehler, Till Zupancic, Isidora Kosta, Hani Dakhil (2018): "Shaping the Future of Construction, An Action Plan to solve the Industry’s Talent Gap", World Economic Forum, February 2018, link
- Mark Bew, M. M. Buehler, Michael S. Burke (2018): "Cómo pueden América Latina y el Caribe desbloquear su potencial digital", World Economic Forum, March 2018, link
- Mark Bew, M. M. Buehler, Michael S. Burke (2018): "How Latin America and the Caribbean can unlock its digital potential", World Economic Forum, March 2018, link
- M. M. Buehler, Michel Nardin, Antonio Piazza, Pierre Patrick Buffet (2017): "It costs trillions of dollars to settle commercial conflicts. It's time for Alternative Dispute Resolution", World Economic Forum, December 2017, link
- Santiago Castagnino, M. M. Buehler, Ibrahim S Odeh (2017): "8 ways the construction industry can rebuild itself for the 21st century", World Economic Forum, May 2017, link
- Mark Brown, M. M. Buehler, Edmundo Werna (2017): "Más de dos millones de personas mueren por año en su trabajo Aquí mostramos cómo evitarlo", World Economic Forum, April 2017, link
- Mark Brown, M. M. Buehler, Edmundo Werna (2017): "More than 2 million people die at work each year. Here’s how to prevent it, World Economic Forum", April 2017, link
- M. M. Buehler, Philipp Gerbert (2017): "How Elon Musk and other pioneers are shaking up the construction industry", World Economic Forum, March 2017, link
- M. M. Buehler, Sven Witthoeft, Isidora Kosta, Pedro Rodrigues de Almeida (2017): "Shaping the Future of Construction: Inspiring innovators redefine the industry", World Economic Forum, March 2017, link
- M. M. Buehler, Sven Witthoeft, Isidora Kosta (2017): "Shaping the Future of Construction: Insights to redesign the industry", World Economic Forum, March 2017, link
- M. M. Buehler, Kayo Hirano (2017): "Can a city be mindful? And which cities do it best?", World Economic Forum, February 2017, link
- M. M. Buehler (2016): "4 ways to recruit and retain the best talent", World Economic Forum, December 2016, link
- M. M. Buehler (2016): "Shaping well-being into the future of our urban communities", World Economic Forum, November 2016, link
- M. M. Buehler (2016): "10 ways aerospace can shape the future of construction", World Economic Forum, November 2016, link
- M. M. Buehler (2016): "Reinventing leadership – 10 imperative leadership aptitudes you will need as a systemic leader", World Economic Forum, September 2016, link
- M. M. Buehler (2016): "The Death of a Real Estate Broker: 10 ways the real estate industry is changing", World Economic Forum, April 2016, link
- M. M. Buehler, Pedro Rodrigues de Almeida, David Rees, Ben Burston, Rosemary Feenan, Gayle Kantro (2016): "Understanding the Commercial Real Estate Investment Ecosystem: An Early Warning System", Case Study, World Economic Forum, March 2016, link
- Pedro Rodrigues de Almeida, M. M. Buehler, Andreas Renz, Manuel Zafra Solas (2016): "Shaping the Future of Construction: A Breakthrough in Mindset and Technology", World Economic Forum, May 2016, link
- M. M. Buehler, Pedro Rodrigues de Almeida, Maureen Welch, Marshall O’Moore, Tom Wooten, Johannes Plambeck (2016): "Understanding the Commercial Real Estate Investment Ecosystem - An Early Warning System Prototype", World Economic Forum, February 2016, link
- M. M. Buehler, Pedro Rodrigues de Almeida, Colin Lizieri, Barry Hirschfeld, Jr. (2016): Environmental Sustainability Principles for the Real Estate Industry, January 2016, World Economic Forum Industry Agenda Council on the Future of Real Estate & Urbanization, link
- M. M. Buehler, Philipp Mayrl, Elaine Dezenski, Pedro Rodrigues de Almeida, Alex Wong (2015): "Foundations Against Corruption: Recommendations on Anti-Corruption in the Infrastructure & Urban Development Industries", January 2015, World Economic Forum, link
- M. M. Buehler, Alice Charles, Pablo Izquierdo, David Rees, Rosemary Feenan, Pedro Rodrigues de Almeida, Alex Wong (2015): "Emerging Horizons in Real Estate: An Industry Initiative on Asset Price Dynamics: Executive Case Studies", January 2015, World Economic Forum, link
- Howard P. Thomas, Jon Sinnreich, M.M. Buehler (2013): "Load Test of a Large Bored Pile for the Golden Ears Bridge", March 2012, DOI: 10.1061/9780784412084.0021, Conference: GeoCongress 2012, Project: Golden Ears Bridge. download link
- M. M. Buehler, H. Wienbroer, D. Rebstock and G. Huber (2006): "A Full Seismic Soil-Foundation-Structure Interaction Approach". In Proc. of the First European Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Seismology (1st ECEES), Geneva, Switzerland, September 3-8, 2006. link
- M. M. Buehler, H. Wienbroer, D. Rebstock and G. Huber (2006): "A full seismic soil-foundation-structure interaction approach". In Proc. of the Third International Symposium on the Effects of Surface Geology on Seismic Motion, Grenoble, France, August 30- September 1, 2006.
- M. M. Buehler. Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Soil-Foundation-Structure Interaction during Monotonic, Alternating and Dynamic Loading. Dissertation, University of Karlsruhe, 2006. link
- M. M. Buehler, and R. Cudmani. Numerical Investigation of the Seismic Behaviour of Structures on Soft and Liquefiable Soils considering the Non-linear Soil-Foundation-Structure Interaction. In Proc. of the Int. Conf. of the 250th Anniversary of the 1755 Lisbon Earthquake, pp. 386-393, Lisbon, Portugal, November 1-4 2005.
- M. M. Buehler. Disaster Prevention and Natural Hazards Mitigation in Earthquake Engineering Design using Seismic Soil-Foundation-Structure Interaction Analysis. In Proc. of the IYGEC 2005, Int. Young Geotechnical Engineer's Conference, Osaka, Japan, September 13-15 2005.
- M. M. Buehler, R. Cudmani, and G. Gudehus. Experimental and Numerical Investigation of the Behaviour of Piles in Soft Soils under Monotonic and Alternating Loading. In Proc. of the 13th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering (13WCEE04), Paper No. 2964. Vancouver, B.C., Canada, August 1-6 2004. link
- M. M. Buehler, R. Cudmani, and G. Gudehus. Numerical Investigation of the Behaviour of Piles in Soft Soils. In 2nd Indo-German Workshop of Seismic Safety of Structures, Risk Assessment & Disaster Mitigation, Madras, India, February 15-16 2004.
- M. M. Buehler. Experimentelle und numerische Untersuchungen des Verhaltens von Pfählen in weichen Böden unter alternierender Beanspruchung, In: 28. Baugrundtagung Leipzig, Spezialsitzung "Forum für junge Geotechnik-Ingenieure", Leipzig 2004, S. 44-45.
- M. M. Buehler, R. Cudmani, V. A. Osinov, A.-B. Libreros-Bertini, and G. Gudehus. Experimental and Numerical Investigation of the Influence of Local Site Conditions on the Ground Motion during Strong Earthquakes. In O. Natau, E. Fecker, and E. Pimentel, editors, Proc. of the International Symposium on Geotechnical Measurements and Modelling (GTMM), pages 441-451, Karlsruhe, Germany, September 23-26 2003. Balkema.
- M. M. Buehler, R. Cudmani, A.-B. Libreros-Bertini, V. Osinov, and G. Gudehus. Experimental and Numerical Investigation of the Influence of Local Site Conditions on the Ground Motion during Strong Earthquakes in Bucharest. In D. Lungu, editor, Proc. Intern. Conf. Earthquake Loss Estimation and Risk Reduction (ELE&RR02), Bucharest, Romania, October 24-26 2002. download
- R. Cudmani, M. M. Buehler, A.-B. Libreros-Bertini, and G. Gudehus. Application of a Viscohypoplastic Relation to the Solution of Geotechnical Problems in Soft Soil. In 2nd Indo-German Workshop of Seismic Safety of Structures, Risk Assessment & Disaster Mitigation, February 15-16 2004.
- R. Cudmani, V. A. Osinov, M. M. Buehler, and G. Gudehus. A Model for Evaluation of Liquefaction Susceptibility in Layered Soils due to Earthquakes. In 12th Pan-American Conference on SMGE, volume 2, pages 969-976, Cambridge, USA, 2003.
- A. Boominathan, R. Chandaka, M. M. Buehler, G. Gudehus. Study on Performance of Pile Walls using Laminar Shake Box. In Proc. of the 13th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering (13WCEE04), Paper No. 2790. Vancouver, B.C., Canada, August 1-6 2004.
- Ch. Karcher, D. Dahmen, G. Gudehus, M. M. Buehler. Solution of Deformation Problems in Open Pit Mining with Hypoplasticity. Proceedings of the 13th Europ. Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Prague, 2003, Vol. 1, S. 137-148.
- D. Rebstock, H. Wienbroer, G. Huber, M. M. Buehler. Fundamental mechanisms and requirements for a seismic soil-foundation-structure interaction approach. Proceedings of the Third International Symposium on the Effects of Surface Geology on Seismic Motion, Grenoble, France, 30. August - 1. September 2006
- G. Gudehus, O. R. Cudmani, A.-B. Libreros-Bertini, and M. M. Buehler. Inplane and Anti-plane Strong Shaking of Soil Systems and Structures. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 24:319-342, 2004.