Short CV

2013 - current

Research assistant at the Institute of System Dynamics at HTWG Konstanz

Feb 2014

Master thesis at HTWG Konstanz

Topic: “Parameteridentifikation zur Positionsschätzung in elektromagnetischen Aktuatoren mittels diskretem Model-Referenz Ansatz”

2012 - 2014

Postgraduate Study: Master Electrical Systems (M.Eng.) HTWG Konstanz

Mar 2012

Bachelor thesis at HTWG Konstanz
Topic: “Entwurf einer adaptiven Regelung für ein selbstbalancierendes Zweirad”

2008 - 2012

Undergraduate Study: Electrical Engineering and Information Science Technology (B.Eng.) HTWG Konstanz

Research Area

Magnetics Control

  • State estimation of electromagnetic actuators
  • Modelling of hysteresis effects


  • WT 17/18 ­ Control Theory 2
  • SS 12 – WS 17/18 Tutorial Control Theory 1/2
  • WS 14/15 – WS 16/17 Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering


  • 2017
    • Florian Straußberger and Johannes Reuter. Einsatz fraktionaler Modelle zur Zustandsschätzung von Magnetaktuatoren. In Symposium Elektromagnetismus, Technische Akademie Esslingen, 16. - 17. Feb., 2017.
  • 2016
    • Florian Straußberger and Johannes Reuter. Position estimation in electro-magnetic actuators taking into account hysteresis effects. IFAC-PapersOnLine, 49(21):206 – 212, 2016. 7th {IFAC} Symp. on Mechatronic Systems {MECHATRONICS} 2016Loughborough University, Leicestershire, UK, 5—8 September 2016.[ DOI | http ]
  • 2015
    • Tristan Braun, Florian Straußberger, and Johannes Reuter. State estimation for fast-switching solenoid valves: a study on practical nonlinear observers and new experimental results. In IEEE Int. Conf. on Methods and Models in Automation and Robotics (MMAR15), pages 862–867, Międzyzdroje, Poland, August 2015.
    • Tristan Braun, Florian Straußberger, Johannes Reuter, and Gabi Preissler. A semilinear distributed parameter approach for solenoid valve control including saturation effects. In American Control Conf. (ACC15), Chicago, IL, July 2015.
    • Johannes Reuter, Tristan Braun, and Florian Straußberger. Sensorless position estimation of magnetic actuators. In 7th Workshop on Digital Fluid Power (DFP 15), February 2015.
  • 2014
    • Manuel Schwab, Tristan Braun, Florian Straußberger, and Johannes Reuter. Intermediate linear voltage control for motion state detection in solenoid valves: a Lyapunov approach. In 19th Int. Conf. on Methods and Models in Automation and Robotics, pages 492–497, Miedzyzdroje, September 2014.
    • Tristan Braun, Manuel Schwab, Florian Straußberger, and Johannes Reuter. State estimation for fast-switching solenoid valves – a nonlinear sliding-mode-observer approach. In 19th Int. Conf. on Methods and Models in Automation and Robotics, pages 282–287, Miedzyzdroje. Nomination to the young author best paper award, September 2014.
    • Florian Straußberger, Manuel Schwab, Tristan Braun, and Johannes Reuter. New results for position estimation in electro-magnetic actuators using a modified discrete time class A/B model reference approach. In 19th Int. Conf. on Methods and Models in Automation and Robotics, pages 229–234, Miedzyzdroje, September 2014.
    • Florian Straußberger, Manuel Schwab, Tristan Braun, and Johannes Reuter. Position estimation in electro-magnetic actuators using a modified discrete time class A/B model reference approach. In American Control Conf., pages 3686– 3691, Portland, June 2014.
    • Johannes Reuter, Florian Straußberger, and Manuel Schwab. A comparison of MRAC and L1-adaptive control for a balancing chair. In Mechatronics Forum and Conf., pages 51–60, 2014.
  • 2013
    • Florian Straußberger, Manuel Schwab, M. Huber, C. Baumann, M. Fink, Andreas Michaels, Matthias Kasch, and Johannes Reuter. A model reference adaptive control strategy for a self-balancing chair. In 18th Int. Conf. on Methods and Models in Automation and Robotics (MMAR), 2013, pages 554–559, 2013.
