
    Welcome to the Center for International Students of the Universities of Applied Sciences in Baden-Württemberg

    General Information for Studying in Baden- Württemberg

    Here you can find general information about universities of applied sciences, universities, master's programs, pre- study internships and more.

    • Preparation for technical studies (Undergraduate)

      Preparation for technical studies (Undergraduate)

      Furtwangen University offers a one- semester for students wishing to persue a technical bachelor's degree at a German university. The so- called HFU.Prep program offers both language and technical skills. For more information, see the accompanying flyer and link to the Furtwangen University website:


    • Study Programs and Applications

      If you want to apply to one of the degree programs at a university of applied sciences, you can find information about degree programs, the application process, requirements and much more on their individual websites. Read this infomration carefully- and contact them directly- before you apply so that you kno what you are getting into.

      With our certificate recognition, you can apply to the following universities of applied sciences: List of the Universities of Applied Sciences in Baden-Württemberg

      Click here for an overview of universities of applied sciences throughout Germany: University compass

      Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts Baden-Württemberg

      For more information about the specific application process for different colleges:
      German Academic Exchange Service - DAAD


    • Postgraduate and Master's programs

      If you want to apply to a master's or PhD program, keep in mind that the different programs have their own admission requirements. Pease contact them directly for more information:

      Universities of Applied Sciences in Baden-Württemberg

      Basic requirements for admission:

      - A completed university degree (bachelor's degree or Diplom)
      - Proof of German language proficiency
      - recognition of  a transcript of records

      Some universities also require that applicants submit a recognition of the certificate from the Studienkolleg. In this case, please send an application for recognition together with a current curriculum vitae and certified copies of your transcripts. After you receive our certificate of recognition ("Zeugnisanerkennung"), submit it along with your university application documents.

      A German language test is n ot required for English-language study programes.

    • Pre- study internship

      Some degree programes require that you first complete a pre- study internship, done before starting your studies- before applying. For these programs  you need to show proof that you have completed it before you can be admitted to the program. Check with the university or the program you are interested in to see whether thea require a pre- study internship- and whether it is possible to complete the pre- study internship later on during your studies. Tip: If you are preparing for the assessment test at the Studienkolleg, you can do an internship in Germany during the semester break.

      How do you find an internship? If you have not started your studies yet, it may be difficult to find an internship. Companies often prefer to take current university students. The best way to find an internship is to use your personal contacts: ask your friends and family members if they can help. Also check with the program to find out which companies have offered pre- study internships in the past.