Students who want to transfer to the HTWG Konstanz during their bachelor’s or master’s program will need to provide the following documents:
- Transfer Application form
- Transcript
- Certificate of Non-Objection
This certificate, issued by your previous college or university, is required for transfer students who already started a major at another university and are applying for the same or a comparable major at the HTWG Konstanz and confirms that you are still entitled to sit for exams in the selected major.
If you are transferring after the 3rd semester:
You will need to set up a meeting with an advisor in the new program. The respective contact persons can be found at the degree program websites.
Form for advising session for students transferring after the 3rd semester (currently only in German available)
Form for transfer students for applications (for recognition of test results according to § 24 SPOBa | § 21 SPOMa) (currently only in German available)