
    Welcome to the HTWG Konstanz admissions page. Here you'll find the information you need to apply to our degree programs.

    Dekoratives grafisches Element

    Required Application Documents

    1. Application form

    2. Documents required for bachelor’s and master’s programs listed in the online application section

    3. Orientation Test (for all bachelor’s degree programs)

    4. German language proficiency certificate, e.g., the DSH or a comparable test

    You may also be requested to submit the following additional documents

    • Verification of your residency status

      More information can be found here (German website)

    • German language proficiency certificate, e.g., the DSH or a comparable test

      It is possible to turn in an official registration for such an exam with your application as long as the exam takes place before the start of your studies. Without verification of the required language skills, your application will not be processed. In order to enroll, you need to document that you have passed a German language proficiency test required for university studies (a minimum of DSH-2) or a comparable test (e.g., TestDaF 4.0, telc Deutsch C1 Hochschule).

    • International students with a diploma from a foreign university applying for bachelor’s programs

      International students with a diploma from a foreign university applying for bachelor’s

      programs need to have these qualifications verified by the Studienkolleg Konstanz (STK).

      *For German students with foreign diplomas and Swiss citizens, please see below

      This is required even if you have already successfully passed a “Feststellungsprüfung”, the DSH-test or TestDaF somewhere other than at the HTWG Konstanz.

      You can check if your background entitles you to study in Germany directly or if you need to attend the Studienkolleg first. Go to the website to find information about how your educational credentials will be assessed. This assessment determines whether you can directly start your studies at a German university or whether you first need to complete the one-year preparation course offered by the Studienkolleg.

    • Certificate of non-objection

      This certificate, issued by your previous college or university, is required for transfer students who already started a major at another university and are applying for the same or a comparable major at the HTWG Konstanz and confirms that you are still entitled to sit for exams in the selected major.

    • Germans with Foreign Diplomas

      German citizens who have gone to school or completed a certificate abroad need to have these documents recognized by the:

      Regional Council Stuttgart for their application
      Breitscheidtstr. 42
      70176 Stuttgart
      Tel.: 0049 711/9090 440 700

      German students who have completed a university degree abroad, need to have these recognized by the Central Office for Foreign Education in Bonn.

    • Specific information for Swiss citizens

      Swiss citizens with the following certificates / diplomas can study at the HTWG Konstanz - University of Applied Sciences:

      • Eidgenössische Matura
      • Berufsmatura and Feststellungsprüfung
      • Berufsmatura and having successfully completed one year at a Swiss university of applied sciences
      • Berufsmatura and TASK achievement test (only valid for the HTWG Konstanz)
      • German Fachhochschulreife (acquired after completing secondary school and an apprenticeship after attending a one-year Berufskolleg to gain the Fachhochschulreife status)

      To have the above-mentioned Swiss certificates recognized (No. 1 to 4), please contact the Studienkolleg Konstanz.

      The Studienkolleg Konstanz will also provide you with more detailed information on having your Swiss qualifications for German universities recognized as well as about the TASK exam.