Informationen für Promotionsinteressierte

    Sie möchten nach Ihrem Master promovieren? Sie interessieren sich für anwendungsnahe Forschungsthemen? Doktorandinnen und Doktoranden mit HAW- und Universitätsabschluss können in einer kooperativen Promotion an der HTWG betreut werden.

    Rebecca Off

    Beginn der Promotion: 2021

    Voraussichtlicher Abschluss: 2024

    Fakultät: Maschinenbau

    Forschungsgebiet: Female Entrepreneurship

    Arbeitstitel: Entrepreneurial Motiavtion in the Context of Gender


    Betreuer: Prof. Dr. Guido Baltes (HTWG)

    Projektbeschreibung: Entrepreneurial motivations have become a frequently discussed topic in entrepreneurship research. However, few studies investigated entrepreneurs’ motivation across gender and different venture types and tend to rely on surveys or case studies. By using a text mining approach, I investigate if there are differences between male and female entrepreneurs’ motivation and if female entrepreneurs’ motivation differs across different venture types. This text mining approach in combination with a qualitative content analysis was used to examine unique motivational quantitative and qualitative data from entrepreneurial projects from different entrepreneurship support programs. Findings suggest that motivation of female and male entrepreneurs differ only slightly, while motivation of female entrepreneurs differs according to the different venture types. The thesis thus aims at gaining a better understanding of entrepreneurial motivation and why female entrepreneurs start a business. This an, for instance, benefit the improvement of future female entrepreneurship support programs.

    Besuchte Kurse:

    18./19. Juli 2022: Sommerkolloquium des kooperativen Promotionskollegs

    Sommerkolloquium, Juli 2023