Prof. Dr. Andreas Bertsch
Professor of General Business Administration with a focus on Accounting and Controlling at the University of Konstanz.
Room P 216
t. 07531 206-531
f. 07531 206-427
E-mail to Prof. Dr. Andreas Bertsch
To the vita
Das Konstanz Institut für Corporate Governance
Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Stephan Grüninger is Scientific Director of the Konstanz Institute for Corporate Governance (KICG) and holds the W3 professorship for General Business Administration with a focus on Managerial Economics.
He is Chairman of the Board of the German Network for Business Ethics (DNWE), Scientific Director of the Center for Business Ethics gGmbH (ZfW) and heads the Forum Compliance & Integrity (FCI) and the Forum Compliance Mittelstand (FCM). He is also a member of the scientific advisory board of the German Institute for Compliance e.V. (DICO).
Room P 218
t. 07531 206-251
f. 07531 206-87251
E-mail to Prof. Dr. Stephan Grüninger
Prof. Franklin is a professor at the Konstanz University of Applied Sciences. Founding member of the Konstanz Institute for Values Management (KIeM) - Institute for Intercultural Management, Values and Communication and Director of the Delta Intercultural Academy.
Room M 311
t. 07531 206-396
f. 07531 206-693
E-mail to Prof. Peter Franklin
Prof. Dr. Oliver Haag is Professor at the HTWG Konstanz - University of Applied Sciences focusing on company law, commercial law, labor law, compliance and corporate governance
In addition to his work at the HTWG Konstanz, Prof. Dr. Haag is director of the Institute for Corporate Law and is of counsel for a law firm specializing in corporate law for national and international companies and organizations.
Room P 315
t. 07531 206-452
f. 07531 206-400
Email to Prof. Dr. Oliver Haag
Professor for Business & Society at the HTWG Konstanz - University of Applied Sciences.
Many years of experience in the European Business Ethics Network Deutschland E.V. (dnwe). Prof. Kleinfeld became vice chair of the organization in 2010. In addition, she is an active member in the European Business Ethics Network (EBEN).
Prof Kleinfeld is founder and member of the board in the Stiftung Club of Hamburg, which seeks to connect scientific theory and practice and one of the leading forums for business ethics and management culture in German-speaking countries.
t. 07531 206-404
f. 07531 206-87-637
E-Mail to Prof. Dr. Annette Kleinfeld.
Lawyer and partner at the law firm Beiten Burkhardt, notary in Berlin since 1996, partner at the international law firm Morrison Foerster LLP, particularly in the corporate and compliance areas.
Hon.-Prof. Dr. Roland Steinmeyer | Morrison & Foerster LLP
Rechtsanwalt und Notar
Potsdamer Platz 1
10785 Berlin
t. +49 (0)30 72622-1228
f. +49 (0)30 72622-1100
E-Mail to Roland Steinmeyer
Prof. Dr. Brigitte Wecker is Professor of General Business Administration with a focus on strategy, sustainability and transformation at the University of Applied Sciences Konstanz - Technology, Business and Design (HTWG).
Room P 214
t. 07531 206-407
E-mail to Prof. Dr. Brigitte Wecker.
Holder of the Chair of Institutional Economics, Organizational Governance, Integrity Management & Transcultural Leadership at Zeppelin University Friedrichshafen and Director of the Leadership Excellence Institute Zeppelin (LEIZ).
Director Leadership Excellence Institute Zeppelin | LEIZ
Chair of Institutional Economics
t. 07541 6009-2261
f. 07541 6009-1299
E-mail to Prof. Dr. Josef Wieland.
Professor of Economics and International Economic Relations at the University of Applied Sciences Konstanz - Technology, Business and Design (HTWG).
Room P 204
t. 07531 206-442
E-mail to Prof. Dr. Erdal Yalçin.
Melanie Altmeyer has been working as an academic assistant at the KICG since September 2022. She supports the institute as part of the research project "Compliance and Integrity as a Leadership Task and Cultural Design".
t. 07531 206-9012
E-mail to Melanie Altmeyer
Quirin Kissmehl is a project manager and academic assistant at the Konstanz Institute for Corporate Governance (KICG), a doctoral student at the University of Hohenheim and Managing Director of the German Business Ethics Network - EBEN Deutschland e.V. (DNWE) based in Konstanz.
t. 07531 206-439
f. 07531 206-87637
E-mail to Quirin Kissmehl
Neele Rothe has been working as an academic assistant at the KICG since September 2022. She supports the institute as part of the research project "Compliance and Integrity as a Leadership Task and Cultural Design".
t. 07531 206 364
E-mail to Neele Rothe
Soraya Ben Romdhane has been a student assistant at the KICG since November 2023. She supports the Institute as part of the research project "Compliance and Integrity as a Leadership Task and Cultural Design".
Email to Soraya Ben Romdhane
Jeffrey Balsamo has been a student assistant at the KICG since November 2023. He supports the Institute as part of the research project "Compliance and Integrity as a Leadership Task and Cultural Design".
Email to Jeffrey Balsamo
Professor of General Business Administration with a focus on Accounting and Controlling at the University of Konstanz.
Room P 216
t. 07531 206-531
f. 07531 206-427
E-mail to Prof. Dr. Andreas Bertsch
To the vita
KICG founding member and Emeritus Professor of General Business Administration, in particular Taxation and Finance at the HTWG Konstanz.
Guest lecturer at the Swiss German University, Jakarta/Indonesia. Speaker at training events in the fields of business taxation and accounting.
Room P 204
t. 07531 206-405
f. 07531 206-427
E-mail to Prof. Dr. Werner Volz.
To the vita