Unterrichtete Studiengänge
Thermodynamik, Regenerative Enegietechnik, Energiesysteme und Systemsimulation (Modelica), CFD, Brennstoffzellentechnik
Energiesysteme, Brennstoffzellen und Wasserstoffelektrolyse, Aerodynamik/CFD, Kraftwerkstechnik.
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- M.Sick, P.Stein, P.Doerfler, M.Sallaberger, A.Braune, “Part Load Instabilities in Francis and Pump Turbines”, Hydro 2004, Porto, Portugal, October 2004
- Sick M., Stein P., Dörfler P., Sallaberger M., “CFD prediction of the part-load vortex in Francis turbines and pump-turbines”, The International Journal on Hydropower and Dams, Volume twelve, Issue 1, 2005
- Stein, P., Sick, M., Ehrig, M., “Massive Parallel Computation of the Francis Turbine Flow in Part Load Operation with a High Density Grid”, 23rd CADFEM Users’ Meeting, Bonn, 2005
- Stein P., Sick M., Doerfler P., White P., Braune A., “Numerical simulation of the cavitating draft-tube vortex in a Francis turbine”, 23rd IAHR Symposium, Yokohama, October 2006
- P. Stein, “Numerical Simulation and Investigation of Draft Tube Vortex Flow”, PhD Thesis, Coventry University, 2007
- Sick M., Lais S., Michler W., Stein P., WeissT., “Numerical prediction of flow induced dynamic load in water turbines: recent developments and results”, Hydro 2007, Granada, Spain, October 2007
- Resiga R., Muntean S. Stein P., Avellan F., “Axisymmetric Swirling Flow Simulation of the Draft Tube Vortex in Francis Turbines at Partial Discharge” 24th Symposium on Hydraulic Machinery and Systems, October 27-31, Foz Do Iguassu, 2008
- White P., Stein P., Gentner C., “Part-Load Vortex in the Draft Tubes of Francis Turbines: Numerical Simulation and Investigations” CIEPLNE MASZYNY PRZEPŁYWOWE – TURBOMACHINERY, No.134, 2008
- P.Stein, G.Marinescu, D.Born, M.Lerch, “Thermal Modeling and Mechanical Integrity Based Design of a Heat Shield on a High Pressure Module Solar Steam Turbine Inner Casing with Focus on Lifetime and Creep”, ASME TurboExpo 2014, Düsseldorf, GT2014-25846
- G.Marinescu, P.Stein, M.Sell, “Experimental Investigation into Thermal Behavior of Steamturbine Components Part 4 - Natural Cooling and Robustness of the Over-Conductivity Function”, ASME TurboExpo 2014, Düsseldorf, GT2014-25247
- G.Marinescu, P.Stein, M.Sell, “Natural Cooling and Startup of Steam Turbines. Validity of the Over-Conductivity Function”, Journal Engineering Gas Turbines and Power, Volume 137, Issue 11, GTP-14-1384
- P.Stein, et.al. “CFD Modeling of Low Pressure Steam Turbine Radial Diffuser Flow by Using a Novel Multiple Mixing Plane Based Coupling – Simulation and Validation”, ASME TurboExpo 2015, Montreal, GT2015-42632
- P.Stein, et.al. “CFD Modeling of Low Pressure Steam Turbine Radial Diffuser Flow by Using a Novel Multiple Mixing Plane Based Coupling – Simulation and Validation”, Journal Engineering Gas Turbines and Power, Volume 138, Issue 4, GTP-15-1332
- P.Stein, D.Telschow, F.Lamarque, N.Colitto “Low Pressure Steam Turbine Exhaust Flow – Part 1: CFD Coupling of LP Turbine and Condenser Neck”, ASME TurboExpo 2016, Seoul, GT2016-57149
- D.Telschow, P.Stein, H.Wolf, A.Sgambati “Low Pressure Steam Turbine Exhaust Flow – Part 2: Investigation of the Condenser Neck Flow Field and 1D Modelling”, ASME TurboExpo 2016, Seoul, GT2016-57161
- D.Born, P.Stein, G.Marinescu, S.Koch, D.Schumacher “Thermal Modelling of an Intermediate Pressure Steam Turbine by Means of Conjugate Heat Transfer – Simulation and Validation”, ASME TurboExpo 2016, Seoul, GT2016-57247 Best Paper Award – Steam Turbines
- D.Born, P.Stein, G.Marinescu, S.Koch, D.Schumacher “Thermal Modelling of an Intermediate Pressure Steam Turbine by Means of Conjugate Heat Transfer – Simulation and Validation”, Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, Volume 139, Issue 3, GTP-16-1241
- P.Stein, D.Born, M.Koenig “Measurements of the Leakage through a High Pressure Steam Turbine Power Plant Gland Seal”, ASME TurboExpo 2017, Charlotte, GT2017-63405
- M.Fadl, L.He, P.Stein, G.Marinescu “Assessment of Unsteady Modelling for Transient Natural Convection”, ASME TurboExpo 2017, Charlotte, GT2017-63592 Best Paper Award – Steam Turbines
- M.Fadl, L.He, P.Stein, G.Marinescu “Assessment of Unsteady Modelling for Transient Natural Convection”, Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, Volume 140, Issue 1, GTP-17-1306
- M.Fadl, L.He, P.Stein “Full conjugate heat transfer modelling for steam turbines in transient operations”, International Journal of Thermal Science, THESCI5205
- R.Maffulli L.He, P.Stein, G.Marinescu “Fast conjugate heat transfer simulation of long transient flexible operations using adaptive time stepping”, ASME TurboExpo 2018, Oslo, GT2018-75740
- R.Maffulli L.He, P.Stein, G.Marinescu “Fast conjugate heat transfer simulation of long transient flexible operations using adaptive time stepping”, Journal of Turbomachinery, Volume 140, Issue 9, TURBO-18-1151