Das Konstanz Institut für Corporate Governance
Prof. Peter Franklin M.A.
- Spencer-Oatey, H., Franklin, P. & Lazidou, D.: Global fitness for global people. How to manage and leverage cultural diversity at work. Melnourne: Castledown 2022
- Comfort, J. & Franklin, P.: The Mindful International Manager. How To Work Effectively Across Cultures (2nd and expanded edition). London: Kogan Page 2014
- Spencer-Oatey, H. & Franklin, P.: Intercultural Interaction: A Multi-disciplinary Approach to Intercultural Communication (chinese translation). Beijing: Peking University Press 2012
- Comfort, J. & Franklin, P.: The Mindful International Manager. How To Work Effectively Across Cultures. London: Kogan Page 2011
- Spencer-Oatey, H. & Franklin, P.: Intercultural Interaction: A Multi-disciplinary Approach to Intercultural Communication. London: Palgrave-Macmillan 2010
- Spencer-Oatey, H. & Franklin, P.: Intercultural Interaction: A Multi-disciplinary Approach to Intercultural Communication (Edition licensed for China, with introduction in Chinese). Beijing: FLTRP 2010
- Comfort, J. & Franklin, P.: The Mindful International Manager. Competences for Working Effectively across Cultures. York: York Associates 2008
- Franklin, P. et al.: Languages and Cultures in Europe (LACE). The Intercultural Competences Developed in Compulsory Foreign Language Education in the European Union. Brüssel: Europäische Kommission DG EAC 2007 -
- Franklin, P. & Renner, J.: Communication in International Business. An Integrated Curriculum for Foreign-Language Communication in International Business. Moers: GIP (unpublished MS) 2004
- Barmeyer, C. & Franklin, P. (eds.): Intercultural Management. A Case-based Approach to Achieving Complementarity and Synergy. London: Palgrave Macmillian 2016.
- Schmitz, U., Pürschel, H., Bartsch, E., Franklin, P. & Vandermeeren, S. (eds.): Intercultural Communication. Frankfurt: Peter Lang 1994
- Leveraging differences : perceived complementarity as a synergy potential in Sino-German cooperation. (together with Hoedl, M.), in Dai, Xiadong; Chen, Gou-Ming (Hrsg.): Conflict management and intercultural communication: the art of intercultural harmony. New York: Routledge 2022, pp. 295-314.
- Developing Intercultural Interaction Competence in Organisations. (together with Spencer-Oatey, H.), in Habscheid, S.; Müller, A.; Thörle, B.; Wilton, A. (Eds.), Handbuch Sprache in Organisationen. Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter 2018, pp. 403-423
- Erfolgskritische persönliche Ressourcen in internationalen Change Zusammenhängen (gemeinsam mit Krüger, M.), in: Baltes, Guido & Freyth, Antje: Veränderungsintelligenz. Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler 2017, S. 541-566
- Organisationale Veränderung in internationalen Zusammenhängen (gemeinsam mit Krüger, M.), in: Baltes, Guido & Freyth, Antje (Hrsg.): Veränderungsintelligenz. Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler 2017, S. 219-254
- Understanding Otherness and Discord: A Necessary but Insufficient First Step towards Generating Complementarity and Synergy from Cultural Diversity (together with Barmeyer, C.), in: Barmeyer, C & Franklin, P. (eds.): Intercultural Management. A Case-based Approach to Achieving Complementarity and Synergy. London: Palgrave Macmillian 2016, pp. 15-27
- Applying Competencies and Resources: Handling Cultural Otherness as the Second Step towards Generating Complementarity and Synergy from Cultural Diversity. (together with Barmeyer, C.), in: Barmeyer, C & Franklin, P. (eds.): Intercultural Management. A Case-based Approach to Achieving Complementarity and Synergy. London: Palgrave Macmillian 2016, pp. 137-147
- Adidas and Reebok: What Expatriate Managers Need to Manage M & A's across Cultures. (together with Kempf, M.), in: Barmeyer, C & Franklin, P. (eds.): Intercultural Management. A Case-based Approach to Achieving Complementarity and Synergy. London: Palgrave Macmillian 2016, pp. 148-166
- Cultural Aspects of Offshoring to India. (together with Storti, C.), in: Barmeyer, C & Franklin, P. (eds.): Intercultural Management. A Case-based Approach to Achieving Complementarity and Synergy. London: Palgrave Macmillian 2016, pp. 184-196
- Achieving Complementarity and Synergy: The Third Step to Leveraging Diversity in Intercultural Management. (together wirh Barmeyer, C.), in: Barmeyer, C & Franklin, P. (eds.): Intercultural Management. A Case-based Approach to Achieving Complementarity and Synergy. London: Palgrave Macmillian 2016, pp. 199-213
- Intercultural Interaction (together with H. Spencer-Oatey), in: Chapelle, C. A. (eds): Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics. Hoboken: Wiley 2014
- Business expatriates' cross-cultural adaptation and their job performance (together with Xingsong Shi), in: Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources, June 2013 (early view)
- Intercultural competence and international management - An overview of the received wisdom and some critical reflections (together with Spencer-Oatey H.), in: Grüninger, S., Fürst, M., Pforr, S., Schmiedeknecht, M. (eds.): Verantwortung in der globalen Ökonomie gestalten. Governanceethik und Wertemanagememt. Marburg: Metropolis 2011, pp. 457-483
- Differences and Difficulties in Intercultural Management Interaction, in: Kotthoff, H. & Spencer-Oatey, H. (eds.): Intercultural Communication. Handbooks of Applied Linguistics Series Volume 7. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter 2007, pp. 263-284
- The Intercultural Interaction of British and German Managers: A Comparative Analysis of Self-report Data, in: Chopicki, W., Pawelec, A. & Pokojska, A. (eds.): Cognition in Language: Essays in Honour of Professor Elbieta Tabakowska. Krakau: Tertium 2007, pp. 571-594
- Rezension von: A World of Difference: Working Successfully Across Cultures by David Trickey and Nigel Ewington. Internet:, The Delta Intercultural Academy 2003
- Wenn Interkulturalisten nur wüssten, was Interkulturalisten wissen: Die Knowledge Community als Vehikel der formellen und informellen Aus- und Weiterbildung.” (together with W. Reichelt & M. Zitzen), in: Claes, M.-T. & Verluyten, P. (eds.): Identity and Diversity in Building Europe. Brüssel: SIETAR 2002
- Wenn Interkulturalisten nur wüssten, was Interkulturalisten wissen: Die Knowledge Community als Vehikel der formellen und informellen Aus- und Weiterbildung (together with W. Reichelt & M. Zitzen). SIETAR Deutschland Newsletter, 1/2001, pp. 13-15
- 'Translating' the appeal of butter: a case study in cross-cultural marketing communication and its consequences for the E.F.L. curriculum (together with A. Wilton), in: Pürschel, H. & Raatz, U. (eds.): Tests and Translation. Papers in memory of Christine Klein-Braley. Bochum: AKS-Verlag 2001
- Cross-cultural marketing communication and translation (together with A. Wilton), in: Perspectives: Studies in Translatology, 8(4)/2000, pp. 249-265
- Komunikacja w lingua franca w globalnej wiosce – rola kutury a wzbogacony program nauczania jezykow obcych (Lingua franca communication in the global village: The role of culture and the enriched foreign-language curriculum), in: Szpila, G. (eds.): Jezyk trzeciego tysiaclecia. Jezyk a komunikacja 1. Krakau: Tertium 2000, pp. 35-47
- Die Vermittlung interkultureller Kommunikationskompetenz für die internationale Wirtschaft: Ein neuer curricularer Ansatz und seine multimediale Umsetzung als CD-ROM mit Internet-Unterstützung, in: Fremdsprachen und Hochschule, 59/2000, pp. 90-96
- A virtual forum for business interculturalists, in: SIETAR Europa Newsletter 1999, pp. 3
- Interkulturelle Kommunikation: auch ein Thema für kleine und mittelständische Unternehmen?, in: FHK Journal 1999, pp. 12-13
- Das Delta Konzept: Neue Wege in der Vermittlung interkultureller Kommunikationskompetenz für die internationale Wirtschaft, Unsere Duisburger Hochschule, 50(2),1998
- The Foreigner in the Refrigerator (together with C. Klein-Braley), in: Malmkjaer K. (ed.): Translation and Language Teaching. Manchester: St. Jerome Publishing 1998, pp. 53-61
- Can Translation Be Taught? An approach to teaching translation to future non-professional translators in Germany (together with C. Klein-Braley), in: The Linguist, 30(1), 1991, pp. 2-4
- An Additional Qualification for Europe? A brief account of Duisburg University’s postgraduate course in foreign languages and area studies for graduates of business studies, in: Wyler, S. (eds.): Sprache und Internationale Wirtschaftsbeziehungen. Nottingham: Praetorius 1991, pp. 126-132
- Old Habits Die Hard: Learning and teaching at the secondary school and at the Volkshochschule (together with G. Krüger-Zararsiz), in: Zielsprache Englisch, 19(2), 1989, pp. 37-39
- ‘A Potent Part of Germany?’ Some remarks on the quality of translations of promotional material (together with C. Klein-Braley), in: Haberfellner, E. (eds.): Sprache - Wirtschaft - Neue Medien Teil III. Reutlingen: Fachhochschule Reutlingen 1989. pp. 43-59
- Übersetzungsunterricht für den angehenden nicht-professionellen Übersetzer: Ein Praxisbericht (together with C. Klein-Braley), in: Germanistische Mitteilungen, 29/1989, pp. 15-21
- Role Play & Classroom Management, in: Neusprachliche Mitteilungen 1/1986, pp. 45-47
- Using the VHS environment for communicative and emancipatory purposes (together with H. Fischer), in: Zielsprache Englisch, 15(2), 1985, pp. 1-7
- Exploiting a dialogue – communicatively? (together with H. Fischer), in: Zielsprache Englisch, 14(3), 1984, pp. 7-14
- Flinders, S., P. Schulz, P. Franklin & M. Haag (2007) Business Meetings. CD-ROM. York: York Associates
- Brieger, N., P. Schulz, P. Franklin & M. Haag (2007) Business Terminology. CD-ROM. York, York Associates
- Flinders, S., P. Schulz & P. Franklin (2006) Business Meetings. An online course for B.A. students. Internet:
- Brieger, N., P. Schulz & P. Franklin (2006) Business Terminology. An online course for B.A. students. Internet:
- Franklin, P. (2006) Communicating and Cooperating with German Business People: A Guide for the British. Internet: & CD-ROM
- Comfort, J., B. Dignen & P. Franklin (2006) Managing People Across Cultures. An online course for M.A. students.
- Franklin, P. (2005) Lokalisierung von ‘The International Profiler’ für deutschsprachige Nutzer. Internet:
- Comfort, J., P. Schulz & P. Franklin (2005) Business Writing. CD-ROM. York: York Associates
- Comfort, J., P. Schulz & P. Franklin (2004) Business Writing. An online course for M.B.A. students. Internet:
- Comfort, J., P. Schulz & P. Franklin (2004) Business Presentations. CD-ROM. York, York Associates
- Comfort, J., P. Schulz & P. Franklin (2003) Business Presentations. An online course for M.B.A. students. Internet:
- Franklin, P. (2002) fhk-MBA: The e-learning area of the MBA programmes offered by the Fachhochschule Konstanz (fhk) University of Applied Sciences, Germany. Internet:
- Franklin, P., D. Beavers & N. Van Meurs (2001) Virtual Intercultural Negotiation Training. Multimedia Learning Materials for International Business Communication. Unveröffentlichte CD-ROM
- Franklin, P., M. Pfaff & W. Reichelt (2000) The Delta Intercultural Academy. Internet:
- Franklin, P., M. Pfaff & W. Reichelt (1997) Das Delta-Konzept. Ein interaktiver Workshop. CD-ROM, Frankfurt: Campus
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